Martin Armstrong: Food Crisis, Lockdowns, War — By Design of Bill Gates & Klas Schwab

Here is a video of people staving in a food panic in Jos, Nigeria. This is what Big Tech and mainstream media will hide. They cannot be this stupid to impose lockdowns that have reduced the food supply on a massive scale. People are starving in parts of Africa where Gates has been so concerned …

J. C. Cole: Agricultural Terror & Fascism From New Zealand to USA

The evidence is just piling up that our Food Supply is both under attack and positioned to collapse. The American Gray Swans are the mechanisms that can cause the collapse of the American supply chain. Here is a Quick Review We now see many nefarious Government authorities using Covid-19 as a mechanism to shutdown food …

Robert Steele: Space Warfare, Risk of Space Meltdown – Extraterrestrial Appraisal

Space warfare and the risk of space meltdown (for example, the loss of all satellites that provide communications and geospatial navigation services) is a very real concern. Separately there is the matter of stellar civilizations and the secret space force as well as off-planet trafficking in humans and especially children. Below are comments from two …