Yoda: Was Soleimani a Hero Who Should Be Honored in the USA for Defeating Deep State Zionists?

Alert Reader writes in: Soleimani is the mastermind that designed the plan to defeat ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, the Israeli/CIA synthetic terrorist army of MK-Ultra/Voice of God mind-kontrolled slaves. He should have been praised as an international hero. When will the world and the American masses ever be informed that ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, was created by …

Paul Craig Roberts: Trump Protects Genocidal Zionists

Trump Has Given Israel Immunity To International Law In the US the Israel Lobby has attempted to have the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, and the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act passed. However these acts clearly violate Constitutionally-protected free speech and protest, and Congress, although happy to please the Israel …

Robert Steele: Netanyahu Indicted — Are the US Traitors Next?

Netanyahu charged in corruption cases, deepening Israeli political disarray * Bribery, breach of trust and fraud among the charges ROBERT STEELE: A deal seems to have  been cut behind the scenes — a new era begins in Israel, perhaps leading to the end of Israel, the restoration of Palestine, and Jews living in peace in …

Paul Adams: LtCol Alexander Vindman a Zionist Tool Used by Netanyahu to Schlong President Trump? We Think So. UPDATE 2: Vindman as Foreign Agent

Vindman is Jewish-American. Was he groomed to be America-First in Iraq, and, now, when the Zionists need Trump dumped, is he Israel-First as he throws Trump under the bus? Did Bibi have him in the WH as the perfect mole, as his insurance policy in case Trump did a 180 on Zionists? This theory dovetails …