SchwartzReport: New Solution on Water Purification — and Three Corporate Evil Stories — Media, Patents, Monsanto

Although those of us in the developed nations take potable water for granted the fact is for several billion people it is a major matter of urgent stress. Here is a new technology that may help relieve this problem.  Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Biopolymer-reinforced synthetic granular nanocomposites for affordable point-of-use water …

Sepp Hasslberger: Monsanto GM Corn Nutritionally Dead, Highly Toxic — and Totally Approved by a Corrupt US Congress

Analysis Finds Monsanto’s GM Corn Nutritionally Dead, Highly Toxic Is GMO corn nutritionally equivalent to non-GMO corn? Monsanto will tell you the answer is a big ‘yes’, but the real answer is absolutely not. And the simple reality is that they are continuing to get away with their blatant misinformation. In fact, a 2012 nutritional analysis of genetically …

Eagle: Jon Rappoport: Congress, Not Monsanto, Is Our Center of Gravity

Monsanto proves that corporations don’t run the government by Jon Rappoport March 27, 2013 Collectivists have a favorite target. Big bad corporations. This is a complete scam. Why did Goldman Sachs turn out to be the biggest funder of Obama’s 2008 election bid? Why weren’t the corporate banksters who demanded and received those enormous bailouts, …

SchwartzReport: Supreme Court vs. Monsanto, Autisim, Obesity, & Premature Puberty All Because of Corrupt Food Practices

Like a car careening down a mountain road, we seem unable as a people and as a nation to gain control of our government and to make it serve national wellness instead of profit. Day after day these stories track the degradation of our quality of life. Only mass demonstrations and mass voting is going …

SchwartzReport: The Cycle of Evil — Monsanto, Banks, Bees, & Myths of Martyrdom

The idea of patenting life forms, I think, is morally repugnant and, as this case illustrates, naturally leads to grotesque outcomes like trying to control the world’s food supply. Think about it: this is a kind of mythic evil. GMO and the Corporate Patenting of Living Organisms: Monsanto’s Patents on Life KATHERINE PAUL and RONNIE …

SchwartzReport: Criminal Insanity in America – TSA, Monsanto, Scientologists

TSA to Remove Controversial X-ray Scanners JOSHUA FREED , Business Writer – The Associated Press We spent several billion dollars on this this ill-conceived program, and it has come to this. Monsanto Versus the People CHARLOTTE SILVER – Aljazeera (Qatar) Prop 37 went down in California thanks to a million dollar a day ad campaign …