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The truth at any cost lowers all other costs — curated by former US spy Robert David Steele.
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Open Letter to Donald Trump: Covert Invasion Disguised as Migration Relocation?
When I took a second look, he was exactly right: they overwhelmingly appear to be the right age and deportment, where distributing as many as 30,000–the equivalent of 3 divisions–to Red States would be potentially catastrophic. But Biden/Harris has been moving rapidly to undo every constructive act you have taken to strengthen the United States economically, socially and politically, as expeditiously as possible. This would be the ultimate and staggering betrayal of the American people. How could anyone believe that they could possibly do such a dastardly act?
Comparable Dynamics of Point, Bullet, Ball and Globe
Cognitive significance of systemic similarities conventionally obscured
Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold
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Alert Reader: It has been documented that the FBI left to investigate the crash before the crash occurred
[Editor’s note: The crash took place about 60 miles north of my office on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota, where I was being interviewed by a reporter for an alternative journal. He said, “The black box will tell us what happened”, to which I replied, “There won’t be one!” As I put the pieces together, it became increasingly evident this had been done with a directed-energy device, so I flew my colleague from JFK research, John P. Costella, Ph.D., to assist me. It was winter in Northern Minnesota and we were tramping around in -35°F weather picking up pieces of the wreckage, which would lead to the publication of “The NTSB Failed Wellstone”, FromtheWildnerness Newsletter (6 July 2005), which may be the most copiously documented short paper in history (5 pages with 115 endnote). The proof is devastating.
Read full article HERE