Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Critical Questions for Dr. Shiva – Dr. Shiva Vomits a 90 Minute Response, Robert Steele Comments

SHORT URL: Critical Questions for Dr. Shiva About His Attempts to Splinter the Health Freedom Movement For many months I have remained silent in the face of defamatory and dishonest attacks against me by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. My approach was to ignore the sniping to preserve the unity of the Health Freedom Movement. However, …

ANSWERS Robert Steele for a Professor Thinking About How Intelligence Should Access Outside Experts

The IC inability to leverage external expertise is rooted in a number of factors: 01 arrogance and insularity centered on believing that only stolen secrets matter 02 lack of structures, funding, and mind-sets for external exploitation of experts on all topics in all languages and mediums — this includes the obvious cut-outs to conceal the …

Betty Boop: #GoogleGestapo — Google Atrocities in Detail

Google — a dictator unlike anything the world has ever known Story at-a-glance Robert Epstein is a Harvard trained psychologist who has exposed how Google is manipulating public opinion through their search engine so they can change the results of elections and many other important areas His research shows how Google is using new techniques …

Yoda: China Gets It Right — Summary

New Era of China’s Development and Prospects for China-Russia Relations Li Hui Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Russian Federation Extracts and Links to Entire Presentation Below the Fold