James Rink: Gene Decode Video Itemized by Alert Reader

We normally do not load YouTube that become empty gray boxes down the road, or broken links.  We are working with BitChute CEO to get to a very fast conversion nomination process in a new BitChute channel #SaveTheTruth. Per James Rink hosted Gene Decode session :

Yoda: Alert Reader on Silence, Reconciliation, Truth . . .

Alert Reader sends in: Thank you for putting out work that people like me can follow on the day-to-day situation.  Some 400 years of silence preceded the birth Jesus.  In parallel, every uninformative media source is defended as holy, whether on the left or right.  This is history also rhyming with 1950s religious bigotry.  The …

Martin Geddes: Observation on US Military, “President Biden,” & The Final Triumph

You asked me to comment on the Joint Chiefs of Staff letter and the possibility that Biden might actually be inaugurated in some fashion.  This is what I have  to say about that: The “President Biden Show” is going to be laid on by the military. We really are watching a movie. Little is real, …

DefDog: Attack on Parler a Criminal Conspiracy? UPDATE

Sure looks like a Deep State conspiracy. k33p !7 m0v!n@bitburner PARLER GOT FUCKING OWNED BAD…and I mean BAD This group of Internet Warriors then used that account, to create a handful of other ADMINISTRATION accounts, and then created a script that ended up creating MILLIONS of fake administration accounts.”   Source & related images of text