Zero Hedge: Disclosure Declassification Begins — Trump Empowers Barr over FBI, CIA

Trump Orders FBI, CIA To “Fully Cooperate” With Barr; Grants “Full And Complete Authority To Declassify” President Trump on Thursday announced that he has directed the US intelligence community to “quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election,” adding that Attorney General William Barr has been …

Robert Steele: “I Told You So” on Both Russia and Cyber….

Former Assistant Director of Intelligence for the FBI, Kevin  R. Brock, has written an obituary for James Comey that reads very very well. James Comey is in trouble and he knows it In my view, in this order, Brennan, Hayden, Clapper, and Comey could and should legitimately face the hangman’s noose sometime in Donald Trump’s …

EVENT: The Thomas Drake NSA Whistleblower 11 May Berkeley Springs WVA

It’s a two hour drive tops — can be as short at 90 minutes — and well worth the drive.  John Peterson is a world-renowned futurist with very good taste, and Berkeley Springs has very good fend shui.   Thomas Drake is of course an epic patriot and huge intellect at a level with William Binney. …