Commerce Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)
CommerceGraphic: Jan Herring’s Triangle for Decision-Support
BalanceJan Herring, then National Intelligence Officer (NIO) for Science & Technology (S&T) was the first modern OSINT pioneer, along with George Marling and other S&T analyts. After he retired he devleoped this triangle as part of his training offered via the Academy of Competitive Intelligence, still the best institution around.
2002 Hohhof (US) Competitive Intelligence Analysis Tools
Commercial Intelligence, ToolsWhen Jan Herring, former National Intelligence Office (NIO) for Science & Technology, and co-founder of the Academy of Comptetitive Intelligence, wants an information broker as a partner for a complex assignment, Ms. Bonnie Hohhof is who he turns to.
Although dated, the below presentation is a model for what analysts should be thinking about as they assemble off-the-shelf tools to make up for the severe deficiencies still extant in the world of government “cut and paste” hard-copy analytics.
1992 Open Source Coordinator’s Senior Manager’s Council: A Status Report on STIC Open Source Activities
History of OppositionTom Pedtke was the single most important practitioner during the 1992 surge when we thought we had a chance to get it right. Coming out of the National Air Intelligence Center (NAIC) in Cleveland, Ohio, he had an appreciation for “full spectrum” Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) such as would never be achieved by those steeped in the culture of foreign broadcast monitoring, and he understood research and citation analysis and all the other tricks of the OSINT trade that simply do not come into play when you are monitoring fixed schedule broadcasts. Following in the tradition of National Intelligence Officer for Science & Technology (NIO/S&T) Jan Herring who tried all of this in the 1970's, Tom Pedtke had all of the knowledge and the best of intentions. Like Paul Wallner, he simply could not move the beast from within.