Ed Jewett: Review of Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men – The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda by Joseph P. Farrell

5 Star, Consciousness & Social IQ, Culture, Research, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial), Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design, Science & Politics of Science, Technology (Bio-Mimicry, Clean)

The Baylonian dragon of chaos
“sirrush” or mušuššu (??? )

There is a book published in 2011 which will provide background and textual substance to the news of the Chinese CRISPr creation of twins, the Neanderthal project on PBS and this recent discussion about cosmic fascism.

Amazon Page

It is Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda by Joseph P. Farrell and I commend it to you.

It is about “ancient accounts of chimeras and monsters”, and “genetic engineering technology” — including “the engineered creation of mankind itself”.  Religions were promoted by these elite engineers “as tools of cohesion, conquest, and a considerable degree of obfuscation; as “commerce and contact between civilization and grew — often fostered by these very same elites —so to did religious agendas change, often violently, but just as often subtly.“

Farrell’s book combines the arcane and dense topics of chimeric hybrids in ancient history, extra-terrestrial life forms, and genetic manipulation. The immediate question was whether it was disinformation, a bit of fear-mongering, or simply an artistic approach to producing an income, but Farrell’s credentials and reputation appear strong, valid and greater than my own.  I am agnostic about the very idea of extra-terrestrials, and the thought that they came before us and were instrumental in our development is the stuff of learned NWO priests. But in his amply-footnoted 235-page book with substantive bibliography that includes 28 books from 21 authors (including three of his own: The Cosmic War, Babylon’s Banksters and The Philosopher’s Stone), Farrell says:

“… something is wrong with our standard model of history, particularly the farther back one goes….”, and “we have a choice between mythologies or dogmas…”.

Farrell, after all his research and “high-octane speculation”, remains solidly in the camp of Orthodox Christianity.

The Ancient Babylonian Enuma Elish [which Farrell does not see as an allegory of creation but instead as a tale of cosmic war] and its assumptions are covered in depth in Chapter Two. Farrell notes the Oxford professor of engineering Alexander Thom, Christopher Dunn’s The Giza Power Plant and the book Civilization One, and launches into an utterly-fascinating discussion of astronomical and geodetic measurement and the discernment of that unit of measure that could have been used by Neolithic builders anywhere on the globe. Farrell calls it “the classic engineer’s optimalizatioon problem” and asks “How indeed was it possible “that the supposedly unsophisticated people of Stone Age Britain posessed a fully-integrated system of measurement based on a deep understanding of the solar system” as well as “access to some sort of advanced metal and stone-working technology that was not common to the wider society”?. Perhaps they had access to an extra-terrestrial elite with a hidden financial and political agenda, a group “whose existence can only be deduced by the knowledge they left behind, a “paleo-ancient international” priesthood of trader-astronomers who foistered trade, debt as money, and had access to a “scalar” weapon capable of massive destruction. Factor in solar system bodies that are man-made moons, the magic of “base 60”, the magic of “base 60”, the long-term rise of a class of international mercantile and bullion-trading bankers, and the increasing interests in the secret space program and breakaway civilization.

Another common theme is the degree to which ancient Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian texts “contained hints of a lost technology of vast power”. An early “tickler” is Farrell’s discussion of the “tetragrammaton”, the cuneiform names of Yahweh and Elohim, and the hypothesis that the presence of different names for the Divine indicate different sources for the material.  In our current cultural and political climate, I can hear nostrils flaring already. There is the stated question of a hidden agenda of a hidden elite, salted immediately with references to Freemasonry, Adam Weishaupt, obvious attempts to hide something about God, man, religion and science, and an agenda of massive misdirection.  Readers will want to find a copy of this book at an acceptable price and condition and read it for themselves.

The known technologies of mind manipulation, with Cannon’s The Controllers [see this and especially this ] serving as a major reference, is the theme for the 46-page third chapter. “That the technologies currently exist to manipulate the mind, the emotions and to do so at a distance is no longer in doubt.” We read about the patent for subliminal sound technologies that vanished into the classified world of the US government. We read of the work of J. F. Schapitz who in 1974, funded by the Department of Defense, developed methods, never publicly revealed, that melded radio frequencies with hypnosis, including the ability to induce an insane rage without leaving a trace. Farrell, through Cannon, discusses the synchronization of the hemispheres of the brain as demonstrated in many commercially-availble products (see HoloSync, HemiSync, the Monroe Institute et alia). Farrell notes the role of DARPA in using electromagnetic fields to alter human DNA, and his previously-noted theory that ancient temples were created with an ability to transmit over vast distances and to produce conditions in which religious consciousness could be molded. The genetic agenda for the dual gender Yahweh is suggested. The Genius of the Few by British reseachers Christian and Barbara Joy O’Brien is another major reference. Yahweh, and the behavior of Yahweh, is discussed at length. In Farrell’s book Transhumanism, on pages 135 to 147, there is a discussion of the GRIN technologies (Genetic, Robotic, Information, and Nanotechnology).

Chimerical creatures re-appear in Chapter Four (a summary and conclusion to the first part), as does the theme from Babylon’s Bankers about an elte involved in the manipulation of religion, finance and, thus, social cohesion.

The Genome War [the eponymous book by James Shreve is noted in a footnote as the best and most readable account of the race between the public Human Genome Project and the private Celera Corporation to map the human genome] serves as the anchoring theme of the fifth chapter, which explores the technologies, techniques and legal ramifications involved in the re-design of life itself, as playing out today in our society. The paelo-ancient genome wars of the Mesopotamian era are described here in some detail (pages 138-142).  On page 143, drawing on The Genius of the Few, Farrell introduces what I regard as both the most important part of this book and as as an ongoing technique in language for the manipulation of the mind (indivdually and collectively); it appears as a feature of ancient languages, the ones whose interpretations and translations form the very essence of the major religious texts that have been delieved to us over the ages. That feature goes by the word paronomasia; it is “a form of punning which allowed several different meanings to be given to a single set of symbols”. “a rhetorical device that can be defined as a phrase intentionally used to exploit the confusion between words having similar sounds but different meanings”, or a trope. Farrell goes on to suggest that this “paronomastic nature” permits the true nature of the history being recounted to be hidden behind a religious patina, a “psychological operation” called religion which only served to empower the same hidden elite.  The role of hybrid genetics is further explained by Farrell in the rest of the chapter. The creation of “part god, part hominid”  by the elites to work for and worship the elites (as reflected in both the Popul Vuh and Mesopotamian and biblical texts) ought to reverberate with the attentive reader, as should the discussion of artificial satellites of the planets; Saturn’s Iapetus is noted as example, but note also the tales in the movie/book “The Sentinel” by Arthur C. Clarke, transformed into the movie 2001: Space Odyssey, as well as the lighter but altogether wonderful suspense novel, Saturn Run (about the international space race to discover the secrets of a decelerating extraterrestrial space station decelerating into a parking space in Saturn’s rings), or the short story and film Arrival whose spaceships might be, or use, phase conjugate mirrors.

If the creators of man, as decribed in cuneiform tablets, are going to return with superior technology to reclaim their ownership and command of humanity, this might explain what some (including Farrell) describe as activities within a massive black space budget. It might also have something to do with he massive and increased activities to determine what’s in your DNA.

Human DNA, explains Farrell at the beginning of Chapter Six, is “where the complex algorihtms of computing, where the arcane symbols of higher dimension physics and mathematics. And the biology of life and the meta-physics of consciousness all meet in an intricate encryped minuet”, now controlled by #GoogleGestapo. Farrell points out the “strong resemblance of the structure of DNA to the structure of the ancient Chinese system of divination, the I Ching”, which echoes resoundingly in the Mandarin punchline of the movie “Arrival” and “the alien race's secret: a psychic, simultaneous understanding of past, present, and future.”  Much of the rest of that chapter is given over to the issue of ancient burial sites, archaelogical cover-ups, giant humans and their fossils, (citing, among others, Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson’s books Forbidden Archaeology and The Hidden History of the Human Race). Farrell, you have noticed by now, does not shy away from the controversial and makes an art form of discovering where the truth is hidden in materials others tell you is verboten or does not serve the reigning dogma. Part III, therefore, is about the giant races in humanity, the suppressed evidence for genetic hybrid animal-men, and even the evidence for biological and chemical warfare in ancient times (which may have informed the PNAC). Citing Adrienne Mayor, whose credentials and scholarly research Farrel calls impeccable, is a major source for Farrell’s discussion of griffins and protoceratops, the Ronnongwetowanea (see https://peopleofonefire.com/historic-shawnee-tribes.html ), and the use of myth to explain and obscure evidence (cue Cass Sunstein)(or maybe Philip Giraldi).

Chapter Eight is given to genetics, the The Seven Daughters of Eve, racial groups, blood typing, the Hibiru Tribes, mitochondrial DNA and the “Y” chromosome, the four major types of humanity (Homo __?_) [or was it five?] [“the Aztec tradition recorded five different humanities, including the present one, each of which were engineered by “the gods” and that the Mesopotamian texts “say essentially the same thing”], cosmic war and planetary catastrophe, the moon as a base for surveillance by extra-terrestrial “gods”, and indeed the entire question about how and when humanity has been influenced by extra-terrestrial gods.

It’s the dialectic of “intelligent design” versus evolution, and the question is this: what we will do when our distant cousins return?  Farrells book speaks of “a war of cosmic proprotions in which humanity itself may be at stake”; the question for the reader is this: Was that war in the past, the future or is it ongoing in the present?

I for one will keep reading.  Due to arrive soon are:

Steve Pincus' little tome entitled “The Heart of the Declaration” ;

a collection of quotes from 48 of the world's most interesting minds edited by Eric Berne entiled, simply, “God”; and

Eric Maisel’s blend of Eastern principles of breath awareness and mindfulness with Western principles of positive psychology called “Zen Ten Seconds” .

Having completed this review, I can now watch this two-hour interview of the author about the book.

DOC (7 Pages): Review Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men

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