Journal: US Army Civil Affairs Left for Dead…

08 Wild Cards, Civil Society, Corruption, Government, Methods & Process, Military, Non-Governmental, Officers Call, Policies

14 December 2010 CRYTOME

US Army Starving its Civil Affairs Functions: Prefers New Age HTS, PRT’s

by John Stanton

“If the expansion of the Human Terrain System gains traction at TRADOC it could kill any efforts to develop a cultural expertise construct by the Civil Affairs community, specifically the Civil Affairs Proponent at USA JFK SWCS. Everybody is looking to get as much money as they can for their organizations as the Defense budget begins to get squeezed. Naturally there could be a potential dog fight between TRADOC and any other Army organization making claims for HTS-like capability. Once something becomes institutionalized in the military it is difficult to change the new status quo.”

Read full article….

Phi Beta Iota: The US Army Civil Affairs Brigade got off to a very good start under Col Ferd Irizzarry, USA, and then he got sent to Afghanistan to punch his pre-flag combat operations ticket and it took a nose dive.  HRT is the most badly managed–unethically managed–program in the DoD Human Intelligence inventory.  While recognizing that the author above is on a vendetta against HRT, the bottom-line is that he is right, HRT is wrong, and TRADOC does not know the difference.

See Also:

2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated

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