Search: intelligence outreach


Search <intelligence outreach>  ..  Search <outreach>.  This entire website is about intelligence outreach.  Thank you for this incentive to outline a summary of core contributions here on this topic.

Intelligence outreach today is virtually non-existent for several reasons:

1,  Secret world refuses to mature and serve all stakeholders for decision-support.
2.  Secret world refuses to take Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) seriously.
3.  Secret world refuses to recognize the eight tribes of intelligence as vital partners.
4.  Secret world is stove-piped and incapable of integrating already fragmented knowledge.
5.  Secret world is not held accountable for not knowing what can be known.
6.  Congress has abdicated its Article 1 responsibilities and is a two-party crime family.
7.  White House has sold out to Wall Street and been irresponsible about leadership.

Three things are required to excel at intelligence outreach:

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SSL Has Sucking Chest Wounds–Time to Die…


How is SSL hopelessly broken? Let us count the ways

Blunders expose huge cracks in net's trust foundation

By Dan Goodin in San FranciscoGet more from this author

Posted in Security, 11th April 2011 03:00 GMT

Phi Beta Iota: Instead of spending $12 billion on cyber-attack and trying to defend 1970's technology created by 1950's mind-sets, Cyber-Command should be focusing on actually creating deep embedded code-level and data-level security.  The continued lack of intelligence and integrity in US cyber is troubling.

Tip of the Hat to Lynn Wheeler at LinkedIn.

See Also:

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Event: 23-30 April San Francisco Open Hackathon



Join us for our first hackathon, co-sponsored by Creative Commons.

Meet fellow designers and developers. See how your peers are wrangling data into something that looks fantastic, feels intuitive and is super-useful. Use your skills to create great apps and visualizations from an open data set that includes Indeed, Etsy, Craigslist, Ebay, Zillow and others. Show your stuff to investors looking to seed data-related projects – they’ll be coming to see team presentations on the final day of the hack.

Learn more.

Tip of the Hat to Joichi Ito at LinkedIn.

Iranian regime’s ‘information fears’

04 Education, 05 Iran, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, InfoOps (IO), IO Impotency

Freed journalist: Iranian regime's ‘information fears'

Maziar Bahari Maziar Bahari faces jail if he returns to Iran

Iranian journalist Maziar Bahari was held in a Tehran jail for 118 days in 2009. His arrest came as he worked for western media outlets, including BBC Panorama. In this analysis, Mr Bahari explains why the regime fears information, the internet and a free press.

“Information is a weapon, and in the wrong hands it is even more dangerous than a real gun!”

This was my torturer's message to me in the summer of 2009 after my arrest.

Read rest of article….

See Also:

    Event: 20-22 Jun NYC Games for Change 2011


    ALERT: Prices go up 30% after April 15th.


    The 8th Annual Games for Change Festival

    Our preparations for the June 20-22 event are in full swing. This year's festival will be offering 40+ hours of content over three days as well as social events, massive play sessions, a “Game Arcade” and an Award Ceremony featuring some of the best titles in our genre. Registration is now open so if you want to take advantage of early bird pricing (30% off), visit our pre-Festival page here.

    Continue reading “Event: 20-22 Jun NYC Games for Change 2011”