Search: organizational intelligence (third version)


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Search: organizational intelligence

Search: organizational intelligence 2.0

Searching for the terms today produces a very interesting range of postings.

organizational intelligence

Ultimately, there is a deep connection between four conceptual groups:

intelligence with integrity (individual, organizational, national)

organizational intelligence / smart nation

collective intelligence, evolutionary consciousness, reflexivity

conversation, culture, co-creation


Search: humint [Human Intelligence] HUMINT + Meta-RECAP


There is so much Human Intelligence (HUMINT) embedded in this site that the automatic search results are not at all satisfactory.

First off, technology is not a substitute for human intelligence, and research is not a substitute for experience.  NSA still does not have a computer as good, light, fast, and agile as a human brain.

Second off, when managed properly, HUMINT span at least the obvious 15 slices that we have identified, and is  the core for intelligence with integrity.  Everything else is peripheral.  From “do not send a spy where a schoolboy can go” to multinational, multiagency analytics, intelligence with integrity should be at least 70% of the focus of effort (it's okay for technical — and processing — to cost 70% of the total, but if you cannot process what collect, you should be expeditiously retired  and your budget dramatically cut.

Thirdly, human treason and crime including white collar corruption and financial terrorism are the sucking chest wound in the body of the Republic.  The traitors among us — and the politicians, appointees, and flag / senior executive service who have foresaken their oath to defend the Constitution in favor of craven loyalty to the chain of command and the military industrial congressional complex, and the biggest threat to all of us.  Before we can get serious about global clandestine intelligence at the neighborhood level of detail, we need to get three things right: domestic counterintelligence; foreign multinational clandestine field stations; and multinational analytics both classified and unclassified.  All of this is HUMINT.  Neither CIA nor DIA nor how to do modern HUMINT, nor do they want to.  We need to  cleanse the temples of annuitants and retarded seniors homesteading on their privileged positions.  We especially need to get rid of a retarded security system that cannot distinguish between field sharing (multinational HUMINT) and home all-source sharing — two different things that are NOT in conflict.

Finally, HUMINT takes place in the context of the human condition.  Poverty is the #1 high-level threat to humanity, and anyone unable to understand that this is the context within which US predation creates blow-back and push-back has no business being in charge of anything.  We are our own worst enemy –  Washington is not in friendly hands; Washington lacks both intelligence and integrity.

Selected HUMINT Posts:

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Marcus Aurelius: NSA Declassifies Top Secret Umbra Report on Berlin Tunnel

Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), Intelligence (government), IO Impotency
Marcus Aurelius

Certainly worth a read. As time goes by, but only retrospectively, long after everyone has retired or died, accountability in terms of cost versus gain will eventually come to the fore.


Phi Beta Iota:  There are two forms of accountability, neither of which is achievable today.  The first is as mentioned above, cost-benefit analysis.  General Tony Zinni has nailed it with his assessment that today's $80 billion a year community produces “at best” 4% of what a major commander needs —  General Mike Flynn documented results even worse than that for Afghanistan.  The other form of accountability has to do with laxity in counterintelligence and operations security.  NSA biggest dirty secret for the past 50 years is that the Soviets captured core crypto machines in Viet-Nam, and then got the key cards from penetrations of the US Navy.  The raw fact is that secrecy is used to hide fraud, waste, and abuse 90% of the time.  Best quote on the latter point:

“Everybody who's a real practioner, and I'm sure you're not all naive in this regard, realizes that there are two uses to which security classification is put: the legitmate desire to protect secrets, and the protection of bureaucratic turf. As a practitioner of the real world, it's about 90 bureaucratic turf, 10 legitimate protection of secrets as far as I am concerned.”

Rodley B. McDaniel, then Executive Secretary of the National Security Council, on page 68
C3i: Issues of Command and Control (NDU Press, 1991)

Mini-Me: Hundreds of Thousands Will Go Off-Line in July – With Verification Comment by Winn Schwartau

IO Impotency
Who? Mini-Me?


FBI: Hundreds Of Thousands May Lose Internet In July

WASHINGTON (AP) — For computer users, a few mouse clicks could mean the difference between staying online and losing Internet connections this summer.

Unknown to most of them, their problem began when international hackers ran an online advertising scam to take control of infected computers around the world. In a highly unusual response, the FBI set up a safety net months ago using government computers to prevent Internet disruptions for those infected users. But that system is to be shut down.

The FBI is encouraging users to visit a website run by its security partner, , that will inform them whether they're infected and explain how to fix the problem. After July 9, infected users won't be able to connect to the Internet.

Most victims don't even know their computers have been infected, although the malicious software probably has slowed their web surfing and disabled their antivirus software, making their machines more vulnerable to other problems.

Last November, the FBI and other authorities were preparing to take down a hacker ring that had been running an Internet ad scam on a massive network of infected computers.

“We started to realize that we might have a little bit of a problem on our hands because … if we just pulled the plug on their criminal infrastructure and threw everybody in jail, the victims of this were going to be without Internet service,” said Tom Grasso, an FBI supervisory special agent. “The average user would open up Internet Explorer and get ‘page not found' and think the Internet is broken.”

Full story below the line followed by Winn Schwartau's verification comment

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Richard Wright: General Flynn to Head DIA – Exile or Reward? PLUS Comments by BG Bubba Boo, Ralph Peters, and Airborne Ranger

Corruption, DoD, Ethics, Intelligence (government), IO Impotency, Military
Richard Wright

General Flynn to Head DIA: Exile or Reward?

General Michael Flynn (USA) has been nominated to become the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in spite of or because of his severe criticisms of the inability of the U.S. Intelligence System to produce useful strategic intelligence on Afghanistan. As a result among the small portion of the media that even noted his nomination, a good deal of nonsense has been written about DIA. I hope this will clear the air a bit.

The DIA was created by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in 1961 with the specific mission of providing a single voice for the individual military service intelligence commands. As with many of Secretary McNamara’s ideas, DIA completely ignored reality. The service chiefs simply ignored DIA and the directors of DIA (all general officers of those services) went along.  In the press of the Vietnam War Secretary McNamara paid no attention to DIA after creating it. So DIA really had no defined mission and became known as the “redundant agency.”

Since its creation DIA has struggled to find a viable mission that would not interfere with the missions of the service intelligence commands or of the National Security Agency (NSA) which also was under the Department of Defense (DOD) or the independent Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which had considerable status as the senior intelligence authority and in the theory the ear of the President. This continues to be a problem with DIA having only Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) as its exclusive domain.  DIA also has numerous heavily classified programs and projects, but when these see light of day they often prove to be pointless or even lunatic. DIA does have one central mission and that is to serve as the J2 (intelligence arm) for the Joint Chiefs of Staff (ICS). Having actually worked in J2, I can testify that this does not give DIA a good deal of authority either in the Intelligence Community (IC) or even with JCS.

Continue reading “Richard Wright: General Flynn to Head DIA – Exile or Reward? PLUS Comments by BG Bubba Boo, Ralph Peters, and Airborne Ranger”

Patrick Meier: Building Egypt 2.0: When Institutions Fail, Crowdsourcing Surges

11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO
Patrick Meier

Building Egypt 2.0: When Institutions Fail, Crowdsourcing Surges

I recently presented at Where 2.0 and had the chance to catch Adel Youssef’s excellent talk on “How Location Based Services is Used to Build Egypt 2.0.” He shared some important gems on digital activism. For example, while Facebook allowed Egyptians to “like” a protest event or say they were headed to the streets, check-in’s were a more powerful way to recruit others because they let your friends know that you were actively in the location and actually protesting. In other words, activists were not checking into a place per se, but rather creating an event and checking into that to encourage people to participate in said event.

Includes video and more information.