Phi Beta Iota: It has come to Phi Beta Iota's attention that too many people are searching for Mini-Me daily, rather than reading that day's postings.
Mini-Me is just one of over 25 contributing editors, each committed to the truth — public intelligence in the public interest.
Below are a couple of posts not by Mini-Mi that are Mini-Me-esque in nature. Bottom line: Mini-Me is one of many important contributors, do not neglect the others, please. We will no longer use Mini-Me to improve dissemination of Mongoose, Owl, or others, they are each a “brand” in their own right.
Berto Jongman: Sandy Hook Reprise — What? + Plus Lack of Truth in USA RECAP
Berto Jongman: US to Fund Rare Earths Institute — Doing the Wrong Thing Righter Once Again
Dolphin: How Are Terrorists Like Submarines? How is the US IC Like the Maginot Line?
Michel Bauwens: Economic Value of Nature – Priceless — AND Irreplacable
Mongoose: BIll Clinton Wrong on Mass Shootings
Mongoose: Connecticut Discrepancies List (32+)
See Also:
21st Century Intelligence Core References 2.9