First Annual United States – Mexico International Labor Law Conference
Mexico City, Mexico _ October 26-27, 1992
October 1993
This report was jointly prepared by the Department of Labor, Office of the Solicitor, and the Mexican Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the Secretaries of Labor of the United States and Mexico in May 1991. The United States portion of the proceedings were prepared under the direction of
John F. Depenbrock, Associate Solicitor, Division of Labor-Management Laws. Compilation and editing was by Donald D. Carter, Jr., assisted by Joy K. Reynolds. The report is not an official document and does not express the policies or views of either the U.S. Government or the Government of the United Mexican States.
Labor and Employment Law in the United States – A Patchwork of Protections,
Perils, and Promises Prof Charles J. Morris
Administrative Law and Procedure in the Labor Sector Prof. Peter L. Strauss
Practical Dispute Resolution Techniques Prof Stephen B. Goldberg
Mediation and Other Dispute Resolution Practices in the United States of America Mr. James F. Power
Laws Protecting the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Prof Julius G. Getman
Role of the National Labor Relations Board – To Provide for Industrial Democracy in the Workplace Hon. Jerry M. Hunter
Laws Promoting Cooperative Labor-Management Relations Prof Benjamin Aaron
A Commentary on Laws Promoting Cooperative Labor-Management Relations Prof. Marley S. Weiss
Laws Promoting Worker Training, Productivity and Quality Prof Samuel Estreicher
A Commentary on Laws Promoting Worker Training, Productivity and Quality Edward E. Potter, Esq.
An Overview of the Laws of Work-Related Social Benefit Systems in the United States Prof Jeffrey S. Lehman
Palabras de Apertura Lie. Manuel Gomezperalta Damiron
Normas Constitucionales Dr. Jose Davalos Morales
Ley Federal del Trabajo -Principios Generales-Dr. Nestor de Buen Lozano
Relaciones Individuales de Trabajo; Condiciones de Trabajo; Derechos y Obligaciones de los Trabajadores y de los Patrones; Trabajo de las Mujeres; Trabajo de los Menores Lie. Francisco Brelfa Garduflo
Trabajos Especiales Dr. Hugo Italo Morales
Relaciones Colectivas de Trabajo Dip. y Lie. Juan Moises Calleja Garcia
Huelgas Lie. Miguel Angel Pino De La Rosa
Riesgos de Trabajo Dr. Juan Antonio Legaspi Velasco
Autoridades del Trabajo y Servicios Sociales – Personal Juridico de las Juntas de Conciliaci6n y Arbitraje Lie. Juan Bautista Climent Beltran
Derecho Procesal del Trabajo Lie. Adolfo TeTUl Morelos
Derecho a la Salud; Derecho a la Vivienda; Derecho al Credito Lie. Roberto del Cueto Legaspi