Amazon Kindle War for the 1% or Peace for the 99%?: Are the Deep State & Zionism Done For? (Trump Revolution Book 15)

America (Founders, Current Situation), Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class
Amazon Kindle

This is a collection of very recent articles about war and peace rooted in the battle between Donald Trump and the Deep State, as published in the American Herald Tribune. 43 pages in length it offers four articles by the author and two interviews of the author with seven pages of endnotes, each endnote linked to a source.

The good news up front: our legitimately-elected President Donald Trump appears to have formed a strategic understanding with President Vladimir Putin of Russia and General Secretary Xi Jinping to the point that a summit with North Korea will take that potential war off the table, at the same time that there will be a radical shift in the Middle East that puts Israel back in its box, stops subsidizing the Saudis, and pays due respect to Turkey and Iran (respectively, the inheritors of the Ottoman and Persian Empires). We are looking at a Global Re-Set.

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Berto Jongman: US Army Major Ed Dames on ‘Psychic Espionage

Advanced Cyber/IO, Government
Berto Jongman

‘Psychic Espionage': An Insider's View of US Army's Secret Project StarGate

In an exclusive interview with Sputnik, Retired Major Ed Dames, one of a handful of Army personnel to receive training in remote viewing, and who would go on to coordinate and run remote viewing teams, revealed that the technology was not only real, but that it was successfully used in operations against the US's Soviet adversaries, as well as other actors.

Tom Atlee: Wise Democracy’s Most Fundamental Principle

Cultural Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Wise democracy’s most fundamental principle

I devised the idea of wise democracy to help us “evoke and engage the wisdom and resourcefulness of the whole on behalf of the whole.” (“That’s nice,” you say, “but what does that actually mean?”) In this essay I explore why I consider that statement to be wise democracy’s “prime directive”. In the process, I tease out the specific relevance and power of each of its main constituent words – paying special attention to the vast and many-faceted concept of “the whole” which lies at its heart.

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