Phi Beta Iota: It is only recently that Robert David Steele has successfully drawn the distinction in public media between Zionists (bad) and Jews (good). This is a vital distinction to keep in the forefront as we all move toward the eradication of Zionist control over America beginning with the eradication of Zionist bribery and blackmail of most Members of Congress.
Steele, Robert with Sarah Westall, “Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Steele,” Business Game Changers, (YouTube, 55:32), November 21, 2017.
Steele, Robert, with Kevin Barrett, “Truth Jihad: Robert David Steele on ‘War in the Middle East‘,” Truth Jihad Radio (Audio, 53:34), November 18, 2017.
Steele Robert, with Angie and Jim Blake, “Trump Counter Coup In Play, Deep State, Pedophiles, Satanist Are Toast,” Victurus Libertas (YouTube, 42:35), November 15, 2017.
See Especially:
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