Amazon Kindle: Donald Trump, The Accidental President – Under Siege! A Soft Coup Rages within a Closed Rigged System… (Trump Revolution Book 05)

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Worth A Look
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Donald Trump, The Accidental President – Under Siege!

A Soft Coup Rages within a Closed Rigged System…

UPDATE 1 of 17 November 2016

Donald Trump Junior has responded to the concerns of many. “Trump will not resign,” he says. We take him at his word. There is also evidence now that Donald Trump, our President-Elect, is beginning to understand the forces arrayed against him, forces that the sitting President, Barack Obama, is enabling.  Wayne Madsen writes:

President-elect Trump is facing a two-pronged attack by his opponents. One, led by entrenched neo-con bureaucrats, including former Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and Bush family loyalists are seeking to call the shots on who Trump appoints to senior national security, intelligence, foreign policy, and defense positions in his administration. These neo-Cold Warriors are trying to convince Trump that he must maintain the Obama aggressiveness and militancy toward Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries. The second front arrayed against Trump is from Soros-funded political groups and media. This second line of attack is a propaganda war, utilizing hundreds of anti-Trump newspapers, web sites, and broadcasters, that will seek to undermine public confidence in the Trump administration from its outset. [i]

As protests and riots continue and spread – high school students are now being organized by professional agitators and covert social media campaigns designed to foment civil stress against the President-Elect, Trump has been slow to recognize that he is a 27% “fringe” president (as Barack Obama was and as Hillary Clinton would have been), and slow to understand that his first priority, having been elected “unshackeled” and therefore an existential threat to the dual Democratic-Republican Establishment that represents only 30% of the eligible voters, must be to unify the country by educating the 73% who did not vote for him, on how the system is rigged twelve different ways,[ii] and by passing the Electoral Reform Act – the Unity Act – to demonstrate to one and all that our President-Elect represents the fastest, cheapest path toward restoring integrity to our government and making our government, for the first time in a very long time, one that is Of, By, and For We the People instead of the 1%.

Only after doing this – and securing a mandate twice that of any prior president (by engaging the 47% that did not vote and the 26% who voted for Hillary Clinton (less the three million illegal immigrants and dead people – she did not win the popular vote),[iii] can he then begin to plan for the future.

An Electoral Reform Act – a Unity Act – empowers the President-Elect by stopping the protests and demonstrating his resolve to represent the 99% instead of the 1%; by liberating the Members of Congress from dependency on lobbyists and corporate funding; and by exploding the talent pool available to him should he decided to create an open system, a Kennedy-esque system that integrates the best and the brightest from across the political spectrum.

A Grand Strategy Summit in which candidates for ALL Cabinet positions and from ALL sources are tested against one another before being considered by President-Elect Trump, and a Presidential Academy that trains the incoming political leadership cadre as a whole, are the two additional recommendations being made to President-Elect Donald Trump.

Anyone not supporting a peaceful transition of power to this miracle President is a traitor.

[i] Wayne Madsen, “Clintons and Soros Launch ‘Purple Revolution’ in America,” Strategic Culture Foundation, 11 November 2016.

[ii] RIGGED: Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters, Amazon Kindle, October 23, 2016, 31 pages, $0.99.

[iii] Paul Joseph Watson, “Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens,” DCClothsLine, November 14, 2016.

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