Mongoose: Operation Brownstone — Is CIA Using Children for Pedophilia Blackmail Across the USA?

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

What is Operation Brownstone/a Brownstone Operation? Is it real? More than likely.

Operation Brownstone, also known as a “Brownstone operation,” is a reference to a theory that intelligence agencies, such as the CIA and FBI, engage in utilizing underage individuals for prostitution purposes with high profile targets, for the purposes of being able to blackmail those high profile individuals later. Generally, the incidents are recorded via videotape and the underage victims are debriefed after the encounter.

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See Especially:

Section Three: Military Pedophilia Scandals and Cover-ups

Chapter 8: America’s Military Scandals – Daycare Scares and “Satanic Panic”

Chapter 9: Military-CIA Mind Control, Torture, Pedophilia and Satanic Sacrifice

Chapter 10: The Anatomy of the Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile Operations 

Chapter 11: More US Military, CIA, Private Contractor and UN Perversions Driving the Sex Trafficking Network

Section Four: Chronology of US Pedo Scandals

Chapter 12: The CIA Finders Scandal – The Throwaways amongst the Throwaways

Chapter 13: The Franklin Scandal – Pedophilia Inside the White House

Chapter 14: The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Anatomy of the Zionist-Illuminati Sexual Blackmail System

Chapter 15: Satan and Pedophilia Rule Hollywood

See Also:

Epstein @ Phi Beta Iota

Pedophilia @ Phi Beta Iota

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
