New Bin Laden Tapes Appear Fake Like Earlier Ones
2011/05/12 From: Mathaba
by Stephen Lendman
Read summary of inconsistencies….
Osama and the Ghosts of September 11: “Proof that Obama is Lying”
by Michael C. Ruppert, 7 May 2011 Global
EXTRACT: Let’s start with what I consider the most-obvious proof that the Obama administration is lying. It comes from a world-class microbiologist who allowed me to use this quote on condition of anonymity. The simple proof of his accuracy is to just ask any microbiologist experienced in DNA sequencing about his statement. There are tens of thousands of them around the world.
{Citing a world-class microbiologist]:
“I know DNA. And, one thing I know about DNA is that you cannot, repeat CANNOT: take a tissue sample from a shot-in-the noggin-dead-guy in a north central Pakistan special forces op, extract the DNA, prepare the DNA for assay, test the DNA, curate the raw DNA sequence data, assemble the reads or QC the genotype, compare the tested DNA to a reference, and make a positive identity determination….all in 12 hours – let alone transport the tissue samples all the places they'd need to have gone in order to get this done.”