Defense Cuts Coming–Small, Hard, & Unethical

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Media, Military, Officers Call
Marcus Aurelius Recommends

Following below are several headlines  about the prospects for the Defense Budget.  As an overarching summary, what you need to know is that, at the working level, the fiscal decrements are already impacting heavily.  We simply do not have the resources to do the routine work necessary to steward the force and plan for the future.  The division I work in is currently operating at less than 60 percent of the people we need and we are supposedly one of the elite places.  Money for necessary travel has dried up for all but Generals and SES's and our capability to conduct necessary planning conferences has been formally terminated.  So, at most optimistic and charitable characterization,  the future looks dodgy.

Next US Defense Chief Will Not Gut Military: Pentagon

Pentagon Costs Are Rising Fast, CBO Warns (Health Care)

Defense Cuts Appear Likely As Pressure Grows To Pass A Debt Deal

The Peril Of Deep Defense Cuts (Donald Rumsfeld)

Phi Beta Iota: Defense cuts will be at least 30% over the next ten years, and hopefully as much as 50%.  What we have now is a circle of outright lies among all pertinent executive and legislative officials. An ethical Secretary of Defense would be identifying contracts, starting with most of what DARPA and the services are doing in the way of futures, and present a list to Congress of needed cuts irrespective of contract law, the US now being in a state of war and the exingencies of the situation mandating a legislative override of contract law.  Salami slicing is the idiot's path to temporary relief.  The entire US government is bloated and broken, not just the Department of Defense.  This is not a system that can be repaired in the absence of intelligence and integrity.  It needs to be replaced–or not even replaced, just routed around and starved to death.

See Also:

2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated

Dr. Russell Ackoff on IC and DoD + Design RECAP

Campaign for Liberty: Steele on IC and DoD

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
