Robert Garigue: Information Security MANDATE

Advanced Cyber/IO, ICT-IT, Multinational Plus, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats
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Core Point:  Information Security must enable both risk and advance–for example, M4IS2 (multinational, multiagency, multidisciplinary, multidomain information-sharing and sense-making).  Today cyber-security is an OBSTACLE to progress because it is, in one word, retarded–in two-words, risk-averse rather than risk-bounding.

See Also:

Robert Garigue, “Technical Preface” to Book Three

Robert Garigue, CISO Briefing

Robert Garigue: Structuring Risks (Role of Security)

Advanced Cyber/IO, ICT-IT, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats
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Credited by Robert Garigue to Gabe Davids of EDS.

Core Point:  Done properly, security enables MORE risk-taking, allows one to do MORE with LESS.  In other words, cyber-security policies that are risk-averse instead of risk-enabling are, in a word, retarded and retard the enterprise.  Case in point: Wikileaks leading to no more flash drives–what SHOULD be in place is all the flash drives one wishes, but embedded security that prevents or flags abuse of those flashdrives.

See Also:

Robert Garigue, “Technical Preface” to Book Three

Robert Garigue, CISO Briefing

Robert Garigue: When Everything Else is Distributed….

Advanced Cyber/IO, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats
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Core Point:  It is not possible to have centralized cyber-anything if both the human end-users and all of the (multi-media and multi-lingual) data is distributed.  This is especially true of security, which is historically several steps behind mission area processes to begin with, and any form of top-down “regulation” that tends to appear after the fact rather than “just in time.”

See Also:

Robert Garigue, “Technical Preface” to Book Three

Robert Garigue, CISO Briefing

Graphic: OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act)

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Citizen-Centered, Innovation, Processing, Strategy-Holistic Coherence


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Credit Nuanced

See Also:

Journal: Spinney, Boyd, Green, Kuhn on “Can America Be Salvaged?–Public Intelligence Aspects”

Review: Boyd–The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War

Review (Guest): Science, Strategy and War–The Strategic Theory of John Boyd

Graphic: Open Everything

About the Idea, Advanced Cyber/IO, Africa, Analysis, Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Citizen-Centered, Collection, Earth Orientation, Geospatial, History, ICT-IT, Innovation, Languages-Translation, Leadership-Integrity, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Political, Processing, Reform, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, Tribes

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See Also:

2007 Open Everything: We Won, Let’s Self-Govern

2010 M4IS2 Briefing for South America — 2010 M4IS2 Presentacion por Sur America (ANEPE Chile)