2015 Steele on Democracy Lost – “OUT OF CONTROL: Can Open (Public) Power Effect a Non-Violent Revolution?”

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Out of Control: Democracy Lost—Death of the USA—Can Open (Public) Power Effect a Non-violent Revolution?

Is the USA a democracy? Have all of the checks and balances been corrupted across academia, civil society, commerce, government, law enforcement, media, military, and non-government/nonprofit domains? What can we, should we, do to restore integrity to our electoral process, our government, our economy, our society?

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-Control

Article, Briefing, Links, Video Below the Fold

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2015 Robert Steele: Applied Collective Intelligence – Can Evolutionary Cybernetics Leverage Distributed Human Intelligence While Advancing Artificial Intelligence? The Future of the Global or World Brain

#Events, Advanced Cyber/IO
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Accepted presentation and paper for the Global Brain and the Future Information Society Conference within the International Society for Information Studies Conference, 3-7 June 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Continue reading “2015 Robert Steele: Applied Collective Intelligence – Can Evolutionary Cybernetics Leverage Distributed Human Intelligence While Advancing Artificial Intelligence? The Future of the Global or World Brain”

Donate to Put This Book Into Kindle, Smash, & Nook — Get Inscribed Hard Copy and Golden Candle Pin

Amazon Page (Hard Copy)
Amazon Page (Hard Copy)

We are converting this book so it can be loaded to Kindle, Smash, and Nook as an electronic book with all links active (hundreds of links!).

We'd like to raise at least $250. Each donor receives an inscribed hard copy of the book as well as a Golden Candle pin….and of course a free ePub via email.

NOTE: Book cost $5, Pin cost $1, Priority Mail cost $5, total $11, so recommended donation is $20-25 and thank you in advance.

Donors will receive book and pin as donations received (this is not a contingent offer), with ePub via email as soon as done.

OPEN POWER: Electoral Reform Act of 2015 – Open Source Activist Tool Kit

#Events, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

UPDATE: Book is #8 in Civics category at Kindle, today, 26 Feb 2015.

This is my first Kindle book, published in conjunction with my briefing it to the Economics of Happiness Conference in Portland, Oregon on 28 February 2015. Below is the full description of the book. Amazon provides Look Inside including the Table of Contents.

Micah Sifry says it best in his new book, The Big Disconnect, when he outlines how all activists are as fragmented and ineffective today as they were in the 1960's. — the two-party duopology and the 42 billionaires behind that two-party duopology have successfully “channeled” all activist groups — including MoveOn and IndependentVoting.org and the Libertarians and the Greens. Everyone is obsessed with “their” hashtag, “their” micro-issues. However well-intentioned they might be, the fact is that we are hanging separately for failure to come together on the ONE THING that we can both all support, and also win: #ElectoralReform.

Continue reading “OPEN POWER: Electoral Reform Act of 2015 – Open Source Activist Tool Kit”