Event: 7 PM 10 MAR Bethesday Andrew Cockburn on Kill Chain – The Rise of the High-Tech Assasins

Winslow Wheeler
Winslow Wheeler

My friend and colleague Andrew Cockburn has a new book out.  Kill Chain: The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins is more than the title, which I don't like, implies.  Much more than just the next anti-drone book, Andrew performs brain surgery on the misguided notion that “critical nodes” in an enemy's infrastructure can be 1) identified and 2) systemically and precisely attacked to destroy the enemy's will and ability to wage war.

Continue reading “Event: 7 PM 10 MAR Bethesday Andrew Cockburn on Kill Chain – The Rise of the High-Tech Assasins”

Event: 23-25 Mar The Hague Arno Reuser OSINT Pathfinder VIII

Arno Reuser
Arno Reuser

Full three day training programme aimed to learn the Reuser's OSINT methodology of efficient, planned and systematic research in Open Sources, using freely available tools and advanced research techniques.

Complete Information & Registration

ROBERT STEELE: There is no one I know who is better at this than Arno Reuser. He is not only the master, he is the ethical master, teaching tools and techniques that are inexpensive as well as effective.

Open Power – #BigIdeas #ElectoralReform #OpenSource

#Events, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Officers Call
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Very few people know that I was accepted as a candidate for the Reform Party nomination for the presidency in 2012. I used that experience to seek out wizards across the country and consolidate their transpartisan wisdom (not to be confused with bi-partisan complicity) at one web site, We the People Reform Coalition.

On 28 February 2015 I will be facilitating a workshop on Open Power at the Economics of Happiness Conference, an event I recommend to one and all — Jerry Mander will be there, one reason I am personally excited about attending.

Below are the read-ahead documents I have just finished loading to the event post at Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog, where I curate over 80 truth-telling editors from around the world, but most true-blue sons and daughters of the USA.

Continue reading “Open Power – #BigIdeas #ElectoralReform #OpenSource”

Michel Bauwens: Please Donate to Peer-to-Peer

Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens

ROBERT STEELE: There are two people I know personally that I think merit our total regard and financial support within our means. I myself am without means — no salary, no pensions, no savings — but I have just given $100 to the Peer to Peer Foundation as I have previously given money to Tom Atlee and the Co-Intelligence Institute. I urge one and all to visit PayPal (where credit and debit cards are welcome) and use this email to donate@p2pfoundation.net to donate to the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Foundation so that Michel and his good works can carry on with our support: . Naturally donations to Earth Intelligence Network are also appreciated, they pay for web services and ink cartridges, I receive nothing personally from donations; use the Donate button here at Phi Beta Iota.

BlueHost.com Rocks — Service Outage Tonight


bluehost jpegWe fired Network Solutions, once #1 now #20 at best. BlueHost.com has proven to be everything a world-class Internet Host Service should be.  Tonight there will be a short outage, 2100 – 0200, while they do the following:

  • Fully redundant fault tolerant core topology
  • Core backplane speed increases of over 300%
  • Core uplink increases exceeding 400%
  • Full ISP diversity and connectivity providing faster, safer, and more reliable delivery and transport of our customers data
  • Full 24x7x365 technology monitoring

We love BlueHost.com. We recommend BlueHost.com.


Reward $200 for Copy of Larry Silverstein on History Saying WTC 7 Was a Controlled Demolition

#Events, 07 Other Atrocities
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Click on Image to Enlarge

We're looking for a copy of a televised interview that aired in either late 2003 or early 2004 on The History Channel's Sunday morning program. Asked what took down WTC 7: Silverstein's unforgettable reply: “Building 7 was a controlled demolition for safety reasons,” according to an engineer who was watching the program that morning. We're offering a $200 cash reward to the first person who can locate a recording of this episode of “History's Business.” It seems likely, given the subject matter, that someone would have recorded it. Send us word that you have this game-changing episode and claim your reward!

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth 2014 Accomplishment & 2015 Agenda