Graphic: Participatory Budget Outreach
Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Balance, Citizen-Centered, Geospatial, ICT-IT, Innovation, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Political, Processing, Reform, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, TribesGraphic: Inter-Agency Collaboration
Advanced Cyber/IO, Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, ICT-IT, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Processing, Reform, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, TribesThis graphic was inspired by both the work of LtCol Gary Beaver, USA (Ret), then in Bosnia, and the efforts of the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) to create a global inter-agency information sharing capability. We still need this, at the global as well as the regional levels.
Graphic: Information Sharing–Going for the Green
Advanced Cyber/IO, ICT-IT, Innovation, Languages-Translation, Leadership-Integrity, Multinational Plus, Processing, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, TribesWe've formed the conclusion over time that leaders spend too much time on the 20% that is contentious or worrysome, and not nearly enough time on the 80% that is of common interest but perhaps not controversial. We have all failed for decades, since the value of information as a tangible and intangible “good” has been recognized, to create an information commons. This graphic, first created for the Peacekeeping Intelligence Conference in Sweden in December 2004. The time has come to unity humanity with information shared and sense made, and in so doing, to harness the wealth-creating power of the human brain in all its forms.
Graphic: Connecting the Dots from Ingestion Onwards
Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Collection, ICT-IT, Innovation, Multinational Plus, Processing, Reform, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, TribesMike Hayden introduced the important concept of being able to connect the dots across disciplines from ingestion point onwards, not only at the finished production level. Steve Edwards flipped chart to show dots coming it at the top, and Robert Steele added the last three bars, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Information Operations (IO), and all Other.
Graphic: Intelligence Standards
Advanced Cyber/IO, ICT-IT, Leadership-Integrity, Processing, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceThere was a time when we had the International Standards Organization (ISO) intereseted in possibly creating an ISO series for intelligence as a means of helping the eight tribes of intelligence do more information-sharing and sense-making together. That died in part because standards kill military-industrial-intelligence sweetheart contracts that are not in compliance and no not want to be in compliance–exclusive “single point” lock-in is the Holy Grail for those who abuse the public trust. Standards are right up there with transparency as being threats to the status quo.
Graphic: The Four Quadrants of Knowledge
Citizen-Centered, Collection, ICT-IT, Innovation, Processing, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceThis was inspired by Harold Wilenski's book, Organizational Intelligence (Knowledge and Policy in Government and Industry), and Robert Steele's growing awareness that what passes for “Knowledge Management” is nothing more than internal data mining. Augmented by an understanding of collaboration networks and by the growing but still immature field of commercial intelligence, the chart took shape rather quickly.
Not anticipated, but now consistent with both the strategic direction of the Earth Intelligence Network, and the reality of how cell phones rather than laptops are the device of choice for the poor, was the seminal role of the cell phone as the device of choice for achieving organizational intelligence.
It can be useful placed side by side with Nova Spivak's Meta-Web illustration to see a convergence of the technical-centered (Spivak) and the human-centered (Steele).