See Also:
Graphic: US Combat Veteran Unemployment & Suicide [Current Suicide Headline Links Added]
Budgets & Funding, Citizen-Centered, Corruption, Political, Threats, Tribes, True CostSource of original graphic (blue). Red added by Phi Beta Iota. Sources for suicide below. The US Government lies to the public with deliberate manipulation of government statistics. The actual unemployment rate in the USA today is closer to 25%, and from this we speculate that the actual unemployment rate in the USA for veterans, including veterans under disability care for post-combat mental issues, is as high as 50%. This is only going to get worse–much worse. This is the truest cost of war–elective wars on the basis of lies and incurred debt, with our young men and women as the casualties on the home front. In Iraq for the past few years, more veterans have committed suicide in-country than have been killed in combat. The US Government generally, and the US military specifically, is OUT OF CONTROL.
Tip of the Hat to John Robb.
Veteran's Day: Knocking on Heaven's Door (11 Nov 2011)
Pick the statistic that makes it mean the most to you: between 2005 to 2010, active duty service members took their own lives at a rate of approximately one every 36 hours. The Veteran's Administration estimates that a vet at home dies by suicide every 80 minutes. The Army reported a record number of suicides in a single month for June 2010, thirty- one soldiers in all, more than one a day for the whole month. For July 2011, it was thirty-two, a dubious new record.
Together We Stand – Benefit Concert to End Veteran Suicide (5 Sep 2011)
According to the 2008 VA statistic, more than 18 veterans committed suicide per day, which is one every 80 minutes or over 6,500 per year. In 2011, the number of active duty and veteran suicides continues to climb.
Military veterans: Soldier suicides now at epidemic rate (10 Aug 2011)
With Veteran Suicides Rising, The VA Must Improve its Mental-Health Services (10 Jun 2011)
Senators tell VA to reduce veteran suicides (25 May 2011)
18 veterans commit suicide each day (22 Apr 2010)
VA’s suicide hotline has been receiving about 10,000 calls a month from current and former service members.
Marcus Aurelius: OWS – Crapping on the Flag
07 Other Atrocities, Blog Wisdom, Citizen-Centered, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, InfoOps (IO), IO Impotency, Misinformation & Propaganda, Political, ThreatsThis is circulating in retired Special Operations Forces (SOF) email.
Source: AngryWhiteDude
What a stark difference from the Tea Party movement. Patriots holding American flags have orderly events with poignant messages about liberty and freedom and then leave in an orderly fashion. Contrast that with the Occupy Wall Street miscreants! Arrests, rapes, flag burnings, pro-communist chanting, garbage, incessant drumming, filth, profanity and lots and lots of losers who still don’t really know why they’re there!
Phi Beta Iota: We find this upsetting and disgusting. Mindful of the protection of free speech, and mindful of the deep legitimate grievances that most (99%) of US citizens and even global citizens have against what the US Government has done in our name, the flag does not represent the US Government, it represents We the People. Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is a mix of four parts: anarchists and undercover provocateurs; local only; alternative direct democracy; and electoral reform act and other tangible change agents seeking a national unity approach. OWS is already facing twin challenges from police departments over-funded by the Department of Homeland Security (using borrowed money), and a massive corporately-funded disinformation campaign seeking to cast them as irresponsible and even dangerous. As a movement, we find OWS to be as responsible as it is possible to get–they have the intelligence and the integrity that the US Government lacks. However, they have not learned the art of counter-intelligence and internal security, and will continue to suffer from this kind of gratuitous and totally uncalled for stomach-turning crap (pun intended).
Graphic: Corporate Media Selling War on Iran
Corruption, ThreatsTip of the Hat to Gerry Goedhart at Facebook.
Graphic: Patterns of Public Debt Burden 1929-2011
Budgets & Funding, Corruption, Political, Threats, True CostSource: Email from Chuck Spinney
Graphic: National Debt Burden 1929 – 2011
Budgets & Funding, Corruption, Political, Threats, True CostSource: Email from Chuck Spinney
Graphic: Influences on Policy Maker (1995)
Analysis, Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Leadership-Integrity, Policies-Harmonization, Political, Processing, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, TribesThis chart is reproduced from Steele, ‘A Critical Evaluation', Fig.11, p.90, and in turn was taken from the CIA ‘Intelligence Successes and Failures Course', which has been discontinued. It also appears in ON INTELLIGENCE: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World (2000).