Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags Aurback, Posts Reflections on the Economic Bust

03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence

My bills are all due and the baby needs shoes and I'm busted

Cotton is down to a quarter a pound, but I'm busted

I got a cow that went dry and a hen that won't lay

A big stack of bills that gets bigger each day

The county's gonna haul my belongings away cause I'm busted.

Ray Charles

Economic optimism is in the air — at least in rarified air of the twin palaces of Versailles On the Potomac and Versailles On the Hudson.  And if you believe the newspapers, there are growing signs that the economy is turning around, and America has dodged the depression bullet.

Continue reading “Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags Aurback, Posts Reflections on the Economic Bust”

Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags Jeff Madrick on Greed and Corruption in Form of Economic “Rents” in Form of Massive Unwarranted Bonuses and Salaries Among Wall Street, Federal Reserve, and Revolving Department of Defense Leaders

Budgets & Funding, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Military
In the attached essay, my friend Jeff Madrick uses the unbridled greed of the finance industry (now trying to rescue itself from its own excesses by sucking at the government teat) to highlight the basic hypocrisy in the so-called free-market economy of go-go capitalism.  Jeff summarizes the results of two recent mainstream economic studies which show the egregious bonuses in the finance industry are simply the fruits of unfair economic privilege.  To economists, this privilege takes the form of obscene economic “rents” — i.e., the excessive revenues and inefficiencies that competition is supposed to eliminate under the capitalist theory (ideology) of free markets.

Journal: USNI/AFCEA Feature Stephen Carmel of Mersck Line Limited on Global Connectivity, Risk, Trade, and Security

02 China, 05 Energy, 10 Security, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence
Stephen M. Carmel
Stephen M. Carmel

Stephen Carmel is a world-class speaker with a truly compelling story to tell, and after learning about him from his appearance at the USNI/AFCEA Joint War Fighting Conference,  we were deeply impressed.

Below we summarize the highlights from his speech, which we have put into a proper document with emphasis added throughout.  This is one of the most useful intelligent commercial presentations to government we have every seen.

Highlights of his “prime” or most recent speech are below–although delivered in May, it did not hit critical mass in our circles until just now.  Whatever “challenging tone” might be detected below is from Phi Beta Ioto–the speaker is a diplomat.

Carmel 14 May 09
Carmel 14 May 09

1)  Complexity is the prime challenge.  US Government is not trained, equipped, or organized to deal with complexity.

2)  Global trade web has zero slack capacity and both the maritime and air webs depend in internal train and truck webs to keep going.  US is $20 billion behind in the latter infrastructure.

3)  Global trade web runs on computers and with the dependence on just in time inventory handling, has zero slack in the event of disruption, and the easiest as well as the most damaging disruptioin lies with computers and data that can be contaminated, manipulated, or simply destroyed.

4)  USG completely missed China's deal with Russia to lock up the Siberian oil supply that is now bonded at the hip with the Chinese refining capacity that was part of the deal–this is a supply not subject to maritime interdiction.

Continue reading “Journal: USNI/AFCEA Feature Stephen Carmel of Mersck Line Limited on Global Connectivity, Risk, Trade, and Security”

Journal: Rolfe Winkler on Buffet’s Betrayal

03 Economy, Commercial Intelligence
Full Story Online
Full Story Online

Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment: Warren Buffet is a fraud–so is George Soros and all the other allegedly “for the people” individuals who ultimately put personal profit above the public good.  Congress and the White House serve these people, not We the People, and that is the root cause of America's demise.


When I was 14, Warren Buffett wrote me a letter.

It was a response to one I’d sent him, pitching an investment idea.  For a kid interested in learning stocks, Buffett was a great role model.  His investing style — diligent security analysis, finding competent management, patience — was immediately appealing.

Buffett was kind enough to respond to my letter, thanking me for it and inviting me to his company’s annual meeting.  I was hooked.  Today, Buffett remains famous for investing The Right Way.  He even has a television cartoon in the works, which will groom the next generation of acolytes.

But it turns out much of the story is fiction.  A good chunk of his fortune is dependent on taxpayer largess. Were it not for government bailouts, for which Buffett lobbied hard, many of his company’s stock holdings would have been wiped out.

. . . . . . .

But there’s nothing fair about Buffett getting a bailout, about exploiting the taxpaying public for his own gain.  The naïve 14-year-olds among us thought he was better than this.

What would Ben Graham say?

Journal: Weaponizing Web 2.0

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Law Enforcement
Washington Post Full Story
Washington Post Full Story

By Brian Krebs

July 29, 2009; 3:15 PM ET

The Washington Post

Imagine simply visiting a Web forum and finding that doing so forced your browser to post an embarrassing Twitter message to all of your contacts, or caused you to admit a stranger to your online social network. Now consider the same dynamic being used to move money out of your online auction account or delete the contents of your e-mail inbox.

. . . . . . .

The problem with the token-based security approach, as researchers prior to Hamiel and Moyer have noted, is that it works only if the attacker doesn't have access to that random string of data as well.

To take the Alice and Bob on the forum example a step further, consider what happens when Alice views a forum posting by Bob that includes a link to an off-site image hosted at a site controlled by Bob. That image, when loaded by Alice's browser, will automatically send Bob's site a referrer URL that includes the full token that is unique to Alice's browser session with that forum. Armed with the referring URL's token, Bob can then respond to the image request from Alice's browser with a request to silently take action on that forum in Alice's name.

. . . . . . .

Moyer said one way to prevent this attack is commonly used on banking Web sites involves what's known as a nonce, which is essentially a random, one-time-use-only number that is appended to a URL each time a visitor loads a page on that site. He noted that one reason most sites don't adopt this approach is that it requires far more computational and Web server capacity, which can drive up costs — particularly for high-traffic sites.

DefCon White Paper
DefCon White Paper

+++++++Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment+++++++

In 1990-1991 Winn Schwartau testified to Congress.  They ignored him the way they ignored Peak Oil testimony in 1974-1975.  In 1995 Robert Steele organized three top experts, Schwartau, Jim A from NSA, and Bill Caelii, and submitted a cross-walk of crystal clear recommendations adding up to $1 billion a year to Marty Harris, responsible for the security of the National Information Infrastructure (NII).  Today the US Government is about to waste $12 billion a year helping NSA further its own agenda while ignoring the root needs of the American people for trusted electromagnetic services.  The federal government is so busy attacking other people it is neglecting the people that created the federal government as a service of common concern.  The gap between those exercising public power and those who elected them and pay them has grown cataclysmic.  Public intelligence in the public interest is one way to help the Republic heal.

Journal: Commercial and Criminal Theft 101

Commercial Intelligence
Traders Profit With Computers Set at High Speed
Traders Profit With Computers Set at High Speed

Here is a very fast overview of how Wall Street and Organized Crime profit “legally” and without regard to the public interest.  Click on logo itself.

Wall Street:  bribe Congress to pass deregulation and ensure that Goldman Sachs remains in control of the US Treasruy regardless of who is President.  Use information asymmetries and data pathologies to play the individual investor for the fool that they are, believing in what Michael Lewis called “Liar's Poker” in his 1980'sbook.  Ride Initial Public Officerings (IPO) by manipulating the starting price, riding the hike, and then passing all the inflated stocks and the attendant risk to the individual investor.  It's called “exploding the client”

The NYT article today addresses one means by which Goldman Sachs in particular has profited at taxpayer expense.  On the organized crime side, as one of the Mafia chiefs said on his way back to Italy after serving a long prison sentence, “Nothing happens without both the Vatican and the politicians (local to national) general approval.” (as recollected).  Moises Naim in his book ILLICIT (see our review) estimates that organized crime is $2 trillion a year “business” on top of the $7 trillion a year “legal” business.  Someone else has calculated that bribes to government officials world-wide total roughly $1 trillion a year, which suggests a very equitable split between those who steal and those who allow the stealing in return for bribes to look the other way and NOT protect the public interest.

The Journal of Public Intelligence is committed to helping the public create public intelligence in the public interest.  While the New York Times has been helpful in providing the above story, it is two decades too late.  they knew this long ago, but as with most stories (such as informed opinions against going to war against Iraq) the management of the New York Times repressed stories.  They only “break” stories now after they come out on the Internet–hence, public intelligence must press for more “citizen journalism” and more collective intelligence applied to all activities affecting the commonwealth of publics.  See True Cost Meme under the Honour Society.

Journal: Chuck Spinney Highlights: Dark Hole of Democracy: How the Fed Prints Money Out of Thin AirGreider

Banks, Fed, Money, & Concentrated Wealth, Commercial Intelligence, Democracy, Government
Full Article Online
Full Article Online

The full article [click on AltNet]  should be must reading to any one interested in understanding the Federal Reserve Board's sinister relationship with the Banksters who, after having done such great damage to the economy, are now laying the long-term foundation for a corporatist — purists might say neo-fascist — state which, if left unchecked, might even evolve into an American variant of the zaibatsu that controlled the economic and foreign policy of the Empire of Japan.   CS

By William Greider, The Nation
Posted on July 17, 2009, Printed on July 18, 2009
The financial crisis has propelled the Federal Reserve into an excruciating political dilemma. The Fed is at the zenith of its influence, using its extraordinary powers to rescue the economy. Yet the extreme irregularity of its behavior is producing a legitimacy crisis for the central bank. The remote technocrats at the Fed who decide money and credit policy for the nation are deliberately opaque and little understood by most Americans. For the first time in generations, they are now threatened with popular rebellion.
During the past year, the Fed has flooded the streets with money — distributing trillions of dollars to banks, financial markets and commercial interests — in an attempt to revive the credit system and get the economy growing again. As a result, the awesome authority of this cloistered institution is visible to many ordinary Americans for the first time. People and politicians are shocked and confused, and also angered, by what they see. They are beginning to ask some hard questions for which Federal Reserve governors do not have satisfactory answers.
Where did the central bank get all the money it is handing out? Basically, the Fed printed it, out of thin air. That is what central banks do. Who told the Fed governors they could do this? Nobody, really — not Congress or the president. The Federal Reserve Board, alone among government agencies, does not submit its budgets to Congress for authorization and appropriation. It raises its own money, sets its own priorities.
Representative Wright Patman, the Texas populist who was a scourge of central bankers, once described the Federal Reserve as “a pretty queer duck.” Congress created the Fed in 1913 with the presumption that it would be “independent” from the rest of government, aloof from regular politics and deliberately shielded from the hot breath of voters or the grasping appetites of private interests — with one powerful exception: the bankers.
The Fed was designed as a unique hybrid in which government would share its powers with the private banking industry. Bankers collaborate closely on Fed policy. Banks are the “shareholders” who ostensibly own the twelve regional Federal Reserve banks. Bankers sit on the boards of directors, proposing interest-rate changes for Fed governors in Washington to decide. Bankers also have a special advisory council that meets privately with governors to critique monetary policy and management of the economy. Sometimes, the Fed pretends to be a private organization. Other times, it admits to being part of the government.
The antiquated quality of this institution is reflected in the map of the Fed's twelve regional banks.
  • Five of them are located in the Midwest (better known today as the industrial Rust Belt).
  • Missouri has two Federal Reserve banks (St. Louis and Kansas City), while
  • the entire West Coast has only one (located in San Francisco, not Los Angeles or Seattle).
  • Virginia has one; Florida does not.
Among its functions, the Federal Reserve directly regulates the largest banks, but it also looks out for their well-being — providing regular liquidity loans for those caught short and bailing out endangered banks it deems “too big to fail.” Critics look askance at these peculiar arrangements and see “conspiracy.” But it's not really secret. This duck was created by an act of Congress. The Fed's favoritism toward bankers is embedded in its DNA.
This awkward reality explains the dilemma facing the Fed. It cannot stand too much visibility, nor can it easily explain or justify its peculiar status.
Fed chair Ben Bernanke responded with the usual aloofness. An audit, he insisted, would amount to “a takeover of monetary policy by the Congress.” He did not appear to recognize how arrogant that sounded. Congress created the Fed, but it must not look too deeply into the Fed's private business. The mystique intimidates many politicians. The Fed's power depends crucially upon the people not knowing exactly what it does.
President Obama inadvertently made the political problem worse for the Fed in June, when he proposed to make the central bank the supercop to guard against “systemic risk” and decide the terms for regulating the largest commercial banks and some heavyweight industrial corporations engaged in finance. The House Financial Services Committee intends to draft the legislation quickly, but many members want to learn more first. Obama's proposal gives the central bank even greater power, including broad power to pick winners and losers in the private economy and behind closed doors. Yet Obama did not propose any changes in the Fed's privileged status. Instead, he asked Fed governors to consider the matter. But perhaps it is the Federal Reserve that needs to be reformed.
Six reasons why granting the Fed even more power is a really bad idea:
1. It would reward failure. Like the largest banks that have been bailed out, the Fed was a co-author of the destruction.
2. Cumulatively, Fed policy was a central force in destabilizing the US economy.
3. The Fed cannot possibly examine “systemic risk” objectively because it helped to create the very structural flaws that led to breakdown.
4. The Fed can't be trusted to defend the public in its private deal-making with bank executives. The numerous revelations of collusion have shocked the public, and more scandals are certain if Congress conducts a thorough investigation.
5. Instead of disowning the notorious policy of “too big to fail,” the Fed will be bound to embrace the doctrine more explicitly as “systemic risk” regulator.
6. This road leads to the corporate state — a fusion of private and public power, a privileged club that dominates everything else from the top down.
Whatever good intentions the central bank enunciates, it will be deeply conflicted in its actions, always pulled in opposite directions.
Obama's reform might prevail in the short run. The biggest banks, after all, will be lobbying alongside him in favor of the Fed, and Congress may not have the backbone to resist. The Fed, however, is sure to remain in the cross hairs. Too many different interests will be damaged
  • thousands of smaller banks,
  • all the companies left out of the club,
  • organized labor,
  • consumers and
  • other sectors,
  • not to mention libertarian conservatives like Texas Representative Ron Paul.
The obstacles to democratizing the Fed are obviously formidable. Tampering with the temple is politically taboo. But this crisis has demonstrated that the present arrangement no longer works for the public interest. The society of 1913 no longer exists, nor does the New Deal economic order that carried us to twentieth-century prosperity. The country thus has a rare opportunity to reconstitute the Federal Reserve as a normal government agency, shorn of the bankers' preferential trappings and the fallacious claim to “independent” status as well as the claustrophobic demand for secrecy.
Progressives in the early twentieth century, drawn from the growing ranks of managerial professionals, believed “good government” required technocratic experts who would be shielded from the unruly populace and especially from radical voices of organized labor, populism, socialism and other upstart movements. The pretensions of “scientific” decision-making by remote governing elites — both the mysterious wisdom of central bankers and the inventive wizardry of financial titans — failed spectacularly in our current catastrophe. The Fed was never independent in any real sense. Its power depended on taking care of its one true constituency in banking and finance.
The reform of monetary policy, in other words, has promising possibilities for revitalizing democracy. Congress is a human institution and therefore fallible. Mistakes will be made, for sure. But we might ask ourselves, If Congress were empowered to manage monetary policy, could it do any worse than those experts who brought us to ruin?
William Greider is the author of, most recently, “Come Home, America: The Rise and Fall (and Redeeming Promise) of Our Country (Rodale Books, 2009).”
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