Ed Jewett: Does America Need a Reality Czar?

Cultural Intelligence

John Derbyshire is a GIANT!

American Anosognosia—the Capitol Hill “Insurrection,” BLM/Antifa Riots, and Our National Reality Crisis

“Disinformation researcher”? Uh-huh. Anyone who pays attention knows that the word “disinformation” has at this point been bled dry of all honest significance. It’s just a Woke word, a CultMarx word for any true facts the Ruling Class want suppressed.

And yes, we have a national crisis of reality, with tens of millions of Americans believing, like you, preposterous things that defy all reason and evidence.

And no, I’m not talking about QAnon or election validity or the source of Covid. Those are gnats.

I’m talking about the camel.

Read full article.

Charles Hugh Smith: Death of the Middle Class & Toxicity of the Attention Economy

Cultural Intelligence
Charles Hugh Smith

Free Online:

The Top 10% Is Doing Just Fine, The Middle Class Is Dying on the Vine

Subscribers Only ($10 a Month):

A Happier Path: Summary of Michael Goldhaber's insights on the true cost of the “Attention Economy”

ROBERT STEELE: I only subscribe to Ben Fulford, Matt Taibbi, and Charles Hugh-Smith. I pay to attend the annual conference by Martin Armstrong.

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Robert Steele: Q Anon versus Deep State, Patriots versus Zionists / Red Mafiya / Wall Street / Rothschilds / Satanic Pedophiles Led by Vatican and Royalty and Freemasons?

Cultural Intelligence

The article below captured my attention.

The Q-Word: Weapon of Choice for Smearing Opponents

If you’re not echoing the establishment narrative, you are vulnerable to attack, writes Trevor Scott FitzGibbon. 

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Q Anon versus Deep State, Patriots versus Zionists / Red Mafiya / Wall Street / Rothschilds / Satanic Pedophiles Led by Vatican and Royalty and Freemasons?”

Mongoose: Biden Promotes Transgender Deviation from the Norm

Cultural Intelligence

Alert Reader comments:

Every globalist social engineering dream is being manifest now.  Destroy everything for the “efficient” rebuild…

Watch: Rand Paul Blasts Biden Education Pick on “Bizarre” Trans Sports Edict

Phi Beta Iota; Everything being done by the Democrats, Republicans, and “Biden Administration” reeks of Wrestlemania drama — of their reading a script while wearing ankle bracelets. They could not be more treasonous or criminally insane. This has got to be coming to a head in Feb-Mar.

Matt Ehret: Joe Biden and the Revenge of the Behaviorists (Why Statistical Thinking Can Get You Killed)

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence

Joe Biden and the Revenge of the Behaviorists (Why Statistical Thinking Can Get You Killed)

“It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment… This subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship.

Read full article.