Robert Steele: Media Hit Job Campaign Against Q Anon & Truthers on Satanic Pedophilia

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

As received from Amy Mackinnon, youthful reporter at Foreign Policy:

Dear Mr. Steele,

I hope this finds you well.

I'm a national security reporter with Foreign Policy magazine. I'm hoping to talk to you about your work with the International Tribunal of Natural Justice, your sponsorship of the book Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State as well as your views on QAnon. Do you have time for a phone interview sometime tomorrow or Friday?

My answer is below.

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Steven Vervaecke: Global Consciousness Spiking Big

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

I am a big believer in the Schuman resonance frequency as a marker for global consciousness, mental state of the globe.

If it spikes it means something is happening, people's consciousness is evolving and the earths frequency is rising. in its calm state its about 7,53 Hz

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Narrative Reframes on Q — Clarity About Our Friendly Force PLUS Martin Geddes on Q Links

Cultural Intelligence

Clarity on Q

Q is a counter-PsyOp strategy that’s working against threats to National Security.

Study PsyOps and evaluate Q tenets. Q is not meant to influence any particular narrative, it is meant to psychologically counter narrative influence, cognitively trigger agility, and leverage a psychological posture. The result: QUESTIONS: motivation for detailed research, or investigation.

“Those who have something to hide are most threatened by the truth.”

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Mongoose: Unverified Very Possibly True We Pray This Be So, 5 UPDATES

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader says: A friend forwarded this info to me. It comes from a blogger in Belgium named Mike Doms. The text was originally in French, so I used for English:

The official announcement of martial law and legitimate military government, in place since 12 a.m. on January 20, 2021, was made on Friday January 29 at 6 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT). The official announcement of the arrest of Biden as well as 355 Congressmen and 109 Senators (or 464 elected) on January 24 and 25 was made on Sunday, January 31 at 4:35 p.m. EST (10:35 p.m. GMT).

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Tom Atlee: Intercentricity (Part 2b): Examples – From pluralism and education to power and democracy

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Intercentricity (Part 2b): Examples – From pluralism and education to power and democracy


Networks are examples of social structures that are founded on centers and relationships instead of borders and separations. Therefore, many different networks can coexist in the same space. They are distinct at their centers but become increasingly mutually-permeating as they move outward to share common ground. Their rise in this century has helped counter the dominant boundedness of nation states.

Read full essay.