David Icke Video: Producer of ‘Hunger Games’ talks about Hollywood paedophiles and the global child abuse and trafficking network that I have been exposing since the 1990s

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, Cultural Intelligence

Producer of ‘Hunger Games’ talks about Hollywood paedophiles and the global child abuse and trafficking network that I have been exposing since the 1990s

Infesting the Establishment Worldwide

See Also:


GERMAN: Das Kind am Rand der Strabe (Juan O. Savin (P) Kid by the Side of the Road) Going Wild in Germany

Cultural Intelligence

NOTE: Juan has given me permission to authorize in his name any foreign language translations at no cost, his only expectation is that the translation will be free online (while it can also be offered in digital or print form for a fee) and that a  link to the free online version will be provided to me for a post here.

PDF (68 Pages): Das-Kind-am-Rand-der-Strasse_Magazin_EBook

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans January 2021

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

American Gray Swans – January 2021

Bottom Line Up Front:

A: Covid-19 tested our supply chain and verified it can easily be collapsed. A Gray Swan; B: A weaponized pandemic is planned to be released. A Gray Swan; C: Vaccinated people will be at war with unvaccinated people causing anarchy. A Civil War – a Gray Swan.

From historical data it is estimated that a truly deadly pandemic will kill 20% to 30% of the population. A Civil War will kill maybe 5% to 10% of the population. Collapse of the Supply Chain can kill between 20% and 90% of the population depending on the Events that caused it.

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