Winn Schwartau: Solar Storms Only Hurt Stupid

Earth Intelligence
Winn Schwartau
Winn Schwartau


  • Idiots in politics
  • Ignorance in business
  • Apathetic about warnings
  • Arrogance about Preparation

Nothing serious will happen if accurate forecasting of the solar storm is done. If we shut down all power grids during the solar storm, nothing will happen. Put the satellites into the Safe Mode and they are all safe.

Seven Slide Briefing:  SOLAR ONLY

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Berto Jongman: Scientists Decide to Create Replacement Human, Ignore High-Level Threats to Humanity

Academia, Commerce, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Blind science?  Or unethical science?

2045: A New Era for Humanity

Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies, 4 June 2013

In February of 2012 the first Global Future 2045 Congress was held in Moscow. There, over 50 world leading scientists from multiple disciplines met to develop a strategy for the future development of humankind. One of the main goals of the Congress was to construct a global network of scientists to further research on the development of cybernetic technology, with the ultimate goal of transferring a human’s individual consciousness to an artificial carrier.

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Berto Jongman: NASA Raises Threat Level on Space Storms — Could Black Out US East Coast from 16 Days to 2 Years — They Neglect to Mention Option That Avoids All Damage

Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Space Storm Could Black Out US East Coast for Two Years – Expert

WASHINGTON, June 4 (by Karin Zeitvogel for RIA Novosti) – Severe space “weather” can knock out satellite communications and GPS systems, expose space tourists and astronauts to dangerous levels of radiation, and even cause massive blackouts on Earth that could last up to two years, scientists and NASA officials warned at a conference here on Tuesday.

A sun storm on the scale of one that happened in 1859, which was recorded by British brewer and amateur astronomer Richard Carrington, would potentially have sweeping consequences on huge population clusters in the United States, experts at the Space Weather Enterprise Forum said.

“The United States population that is at risk of an extended power outage from a Carrington-level storm is between 20-40 million, with an outage duration of possibly 16 days to one to two years,” said Kathryn Sullivan, the first woman to walk in space and now the acting administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which hosted Tuesday’s conference.

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Benjamin Fulford: Global Chaos, Cabal Crumbling

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Benjamin Fulford
Benjamin Fulford

Last week multiple high level sources all confirmed an intensifying battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of humanity. In the public sphere this is appearing in the form of riots in Turkey, blockades of the European Central Bank and massive global protests against Monsanto among other things. Under the surface there has been a rash of intrigues, arrests, threats and counter-threats. New alliances have also been reached between previously opposing forces, according to multiple high level sources.

In Asia, China, South Korea, Japan and the United States have all agreed on forcing regime change in North Korea, according to a senior Chinese government agent. This was confirmed by a gnostic Illuminati grandmaster and Russian FSB agent who said that Kim Jong-un would have to be removed. The North Koreans, now run by an elderly general, want peace.

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SchwartzReport: Phosperous Vital, Royals in Morocco Control It — And How Misguided Philathropy Joins Predatory Capitalism to Further Gut Humanity

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

I confess that when I read this story, I realized I had missed an important trend. This is a big deal, as it says, and it tells us that the days of industrial chemical based monoculture, depending on massive infusions of rock phosphates is doomed. The solution working with nature, not trying to dominate her.

You Need Phosphorus to Live-and We're Running Out
TOM PHILPOTT – Mother Jones

Here is a report on the direction we need to go, abandoning the chemical dominate nature approach to agriculture, and embracing working with nature's system.  Note the comment about how even a well-meaning billionaire like Bill Gates using his money can make a mistake that skews the entire world in the wrong direction. This, in itself, is an emerging trend. With 8 per cent of the population controlling 50 per cent of the world's wealth, the errors made by people like Gates can impose deeply flawed solutions on the world that the other 92 per cent have to live with.

The Russians Prove Small Scale Organic CAN Feed the World
CHRISTINA SARICH – Natural Society/Nation of Change

John Maguire (YouTube Audio 43:41)TheOldScientist Thomas Imlauer: Scalar-Wave Theory, Zero-Point Technology, and Rethinking Nature

05 Energy, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, YouTube

John Maguire

My Interview with Electrical-Engineer and Tesla-Technologist Thomas Imlauer on the topics of Scalar-Wave Theory, Zero-Point Technology, and Rethinking the Natural Order. Online, Thomas operates under the pseudonym TheOldScientist. On both his personal website and YouTube he has posted numerous in-depth videos cataloguing his innovative work/theories. Thomas is also a contemporary/acquaintance of other visionaries in the field including Eric Dollard, Konstantin Meyl, and Jean-Louis Naudin. Reference the Abstracted Outline below for effective skimming:

0.min-5.min: Experience as industrial designer/electrician/IT-manager; Parallel interest in Nikola Tesla/Walter Russell; Dollard/Naudin; Beginnings as an electrical-engineer; Creative impulse in the frontier-science community

5.min-17.min: Tesla Magnifying Transmitter = musical instrument; Longitudinal-Wave dynamics; Transverse-Waves byproduct of L-Waves; Maxwell’s original formulations; Energy flow outside conductors; Meyl’s Potential-Vortex Theory; Super-Luminal Propagation; L-Wave penetration of Faraday-Cages; Dielectric/Near-Field Effects; Verifiable proof of L-Waves; L-Waves in Biological Systems; Zero-Point Field Connectivity; Electro-Smog

17.min-25.min: Asymmetric Systems; Symmetry as an Illusion; Gold-Mean/Ratio; Perception and Aesthetic Beauty in Nature; Sacred Geometry; Human Body as a Harmonic-Resonant Structure; Kepler’s Mysticism; Reconnecting w/ Nature; Paranormal = Normal; Quantum Fluctuations; Casmir Force; Virtual Fields/Pair Production; ZPF = God-Field/Ether; Big-Bang Fallacy; Irreconcilables of BB-Theory; Non-mystical Nomenclature; Electric-Universe Paradigm

25.min-36.min: Ether History; Harold Aspden’s Liquid-Crystal Aether; Resonance and Electromagnetism; Tapping Zero-Point Energy through Resonance; Sympathetic Resonance and Quantum Fluctuations/Virtual Photons; Rethinking Over-Unity; Close-System Myth; Universe = Open-System; Backwardness of Current Energy Systems; COP > 1.0 Systems in Nature

36.min-44.min: LENR/Cold-Fusion; Hot-Fusion Fallacy; Sun Not a Hot-Fusion Reactor; Fallacy of Particle-Accelerators/Colliders/String-Theory; Mathematics vs. Reality; Proprietary-Hierarchies Stunting Free-Energy/Evolution; Wasteful Scientific/Military Spending; Current Work in Foundation/Corporate World Investigating/Evaluating New-Energy Tech; Analysis/Short-Comings of Rossi E-Cat Cold-Fusion Device; Importance of Open-Source Paradigm; Open-Source Distribution/Networking of Free-Energy Devices

Search: Development at Gunpoint – Why Civilians Must Reclaim Stabilization Aid

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Development at Gunpoint – Why Civilians Must Reclaim Stabilization Aid

Michael Young

Foreign Affairs, December 19, 2010

The current multibillion-dollar campaign to counter transnational terrorism, defeat insurgencies, and stabilize fragile states blends diplomacy, defense, and development. A principal tool in this vast effort is humanitarian and development assistance — what has come to be known as militarized aid. Flows of aid to fragile states have grown significantly over the past decade and are increasingly concentrated on a few frontline countries. The rhetoric of foreign assistance policymakers is infused with terminology derived from national security and counterterrorism doctrine. Defense ministries now control vast aid budgets.

Militarized aid is delivered by soldiers or private contractors at the behest of a political-military leadership. In Afghanistan, for example, the Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) weld military, aid agency, and contractor components to multiply force where, in the words of U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, ”the U.S. military’s ability to kick down the door [must be] matched by its ability to clean up the mess and even rebuild the house afterward.” Yet it is unclear whether militarized aid is effective. In research carried out for the Feinstein International Center at Tufts University, Andrew Wilder dubbed militarized aid ”a ‘weapons system’ based on wishful thinking.” And it appears increasingly evident that such aid actually damages the greater stabilization effort in three ways: it erodes humanitarian principles, spreads risk, and is often of poor quality.

Humanitarian principles are derived from the laws of war. These principles include, among others, humanity (aid must save lives and alleviate suffering), impartiality (aid is based solely on need), and independence (aid is not suborned to political or military objectives). These are not abstract, do-good notions. They are born of conflict, and there are hardheaded reasons why they define a civilian space for aid.

Adhering to these tenets assures those in war-torn communities that the primary interest of aid workers is helping civilians survive with dignity. As a result, they grant humanitarian organizations access and protect aid workers’ safety. They may even mediate with armed opposition groups on the aid organizations’ behalf. This is how relief agencies continue to operate in violent places such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan.

Even given the best intentions, massive budgets and pressure to spend almost always translate into ineffective use of funds.

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