Catherine Austin Fitts with Greg Hunter: Elites Stole $50 Trillion, Investing in Space War, Using Crypto to Keep Public Out of Gold, Silver, and Land

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Elite Stole $50 Trillion and Will Invest in Space –Catherine Austin Fitts

“The establishment has stolen $50 trillion plus, and they want to keep it, and they want to invest it in the space based economy and not have to give it back to the pension funds. One of the most important techniques they are going to use to do that is basically with digital control, with both of the currency, as well as the systems that do surveillance and control.

Catherine Austin Fitts says that smart money is buying physical assets such as businesses with cash flow, land and physical gold and silver. Fitts says that crypto currencies are being used by the elite to keep people out of gold and silver so they can buy it all at a cheap price.

Video & comment below the fold. Click on title for full article & video.

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Preston James: Secret ET Global Takedown or just another Internecine Illuminati War?

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence
Preston James

Secret ET Global Takedown or just another Internecine Illuminati War?

If you think the Deep-Black Secret Space War Program is the deepest of the Secret Shadow Government secrets, you would be mistaken.

There is a whole other deeper category referred to as Beyond-Black and these are solely contained in special access unacknowledged programs, not even known by the Board members of the Defense Contractors they lie hidden deep within because their security clearances don’t go high enough. These programs involve time warping, quantum technologies far beyond anything most can conceive of, including time projections from the Looking Glass and psychotronic and psi-powered mind-kontrol using miniaturized technologies, remote entrainment and hiving of the human mind.

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Koko: Daniel Schmachtenberger on Phase-Shifting Humanity

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Phase Shifting Humanity with Daniel Schmachtenberger | Future Thinkers Podcast

“He specifically focuses on developing economic and governmental systems that by design incentivize life-enhancing behavior, decentralized problem solving, and conscious participation.

“In this episode, Daniel talks about many deep and fascinating ideas to do with building a better future for humanity. He describes why we need non-self-terminating and antifragile systems to sustain life on our planet.”

Penguin: Open Source Mapping Palestine Before Israel

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Civil Society, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, IO Deeds of Peace, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Mapping Palestine Before Israel

In the decades since 1948, what Palestinians call the nakba (“catastrophe”) remains a matter of debate between the sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For Barclay, an aim of the mapping project is to clarify at least one part of this debate: the land itself, and what was once there. “Putting the villages on screen that were destroyed, depopulated, and built over in the form of these maps makes what happened irrefutable,” he said.

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