Yoda: ET Disclosure Takes First Step

Extraterrestial Intelligence

Research sheds new light on intelligent life existing across the galaxy

A new study led by the University of Nottingham and published today in The Astrophysical Journal has taken a new approach to this problem. Using the assumption that intelligent life forms on other planets in a similar way as it does on Earth, researchers have obtained an estimate for the number of intelligent communicating civilizations within our own galaxy -the Milky Way. They calculate that there could be over 30 active communicating intelligent civilizations in our home Galaxy.

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Yoda: One Astrologer Predicts Trump Triumph

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader provides an anonymous astrology reading.

Happy Birthday, Mr. President (14 June).

I think a lot of these military people have been involved in the coup that's been going on since Trump was elected. General Flynn was a major threat to them, because he knew about a lot of corruption in the intelligence/military departments and was going to do an audit and an investigation about it. He had to be stopped. I understand it has a lot to do with Ukraine and the Iranian deal.

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Yoda: Is Earth Facing Asteroid Attack?

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

Once again, I have such a hard time with the real numbers and the unprecedented overreaction by most countries that THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING ELSE going on.  And what Masters states makes as much – if not more – sense than a plandemic instigated by Pharma and M.I.C./deep state worldwide. Weird thing is… no one touches it.  My list of things that do not add up for a non-existing pandemic but give credence to Planet X/Nibiru grows by the day.  And Masters remains very optimistic regardless.

Videos and links below the fold.

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David Wilcock: Alliance Win Is Inevitable – Details

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader summarizes David Wilcock's latest very long missive.

Biblical war between Alliance (good) and Cabal/Deep State/Swamp (bad)

Modern conflict begins in early 1950s (Cold War) with President Eisenhower

Alliance has made several unsuccessful attempts to bring down Cabal

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