Yoda: Worth a Look – The Law of One (extraterrestrial Communications, 5 Volumes)

Extraterrestial Intelligence

yoda with light saberThe Law of One

Probably the most difficult thing to understand about Ra is its nature. Ra is a sixth-density social memory complex. Since Earth is near the end of the third-density cycle of evolution, this means that Ra is three evolutionary cycles ahead of us. In other words, Ra’s present state of evolution is millions of years in advance of Earthman’s.  . . .  At this writing we have completed over 100 sessions of experimental communications with Ra.

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Sepp Hasslberger: Scientists Speculate Human DNA Coded by extraterrestrials

Extraterrestial Intelligence
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

It is a bit of a stretch to think that such wonderful complexity as is evident in our DNA could have evolved by chance…

Scientists now believe; Aliens created our species and manipulated our DNA

Researchers who worked for 13 years in the Human Genome Project indicate that they came across an amazing scientific discovery: They believe that the so-called 97% of non-coding sequences in the human DNA is nothing less than the genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

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Sepp Hasslberger: Martian Pyramid

Extraterrestial Intelligence
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Little by little, the past comes alive…

Martian Pyramid Captured By NASA Mars Curiosity Rover In Incredible Image [Video]

A recent raw NASA image captured by NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover, which has been combing and studying the surface of Mars, showcases a stunning image of a pyramid on the Martian surface, further fueling long time speculation and belief that Mars was once the home of an advanced civilization.

Photo of Pyramid, Comments & Lnks Below the Fold

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Yoda: Cosmic Complex Molecules (Life) Found

Extraterrestial Intelligence
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Disclosure soon, we think.

For the first time, scientists find complex organic molecules in an infant star system

In a new study published Wednesday in Nature, astronomers found the first signs of the complex, carbon-based molecules that make life possible on Earth in a protoplanetary disk; the region where cosmic building blocks gather to create planets in a brand-new star system. The cyanides found there are essential to life as we know it: without them, there would be no proteins.

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