Internet Society of NY: Gamifying Activism

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Media artist Josephine Dorado (and friend of ISOC-NY) has developed an online game and mobile app to promote activism.

reACTor is a location-based mobile gaming app that connects news with social action”(working title, based on is an initiative to create a mobile game that allows users to “play the news” — players would be shown the news 1000 feet around them (or other specified distance), and then are presented with social actions and volunteer opportunities associated with that news.

John Maguire: AUDIO Wayne Walton & Mountain Hour Currency

Civil Society, Ethics, Gift Intelligence
John Maguire
John Maguire

Interview with activist and economic pioneer Wayne Walton. Wayne is an entrepreneur and founder of Mountain Hours: a community-based, usury-free, alternative currency. Much of his activism takes place in his native Summit County, Colorado where he is currently working toward restoring human sovereignty through monetary reform. More information about Wayne, Mountain Hour Money, and Jubilee Shares can be found at as well as

Jean Lievens: Jeremy Rifkin on Zero Marginal Cost as Anti-Capitalism

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Gift Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

The Rise of Anti-Capitalism

Jeremy Rifkin

New York Times, 15 March 2014

We are beginning to witness a paradox at the heart of capitalism, one that has propelled it to greatness but is now threatening its future: The inherent dynamism of competitive markets is bringing costs so far down that many goods and services are becoming nearly free, abundant, and no longer subject to market forces. While economists have always welcomed a reduction in marginal cost, they never anticipated the possibility of a technological revolution that might bring those costs to near zero.

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Yoda: Billionaires Funding Big Science

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Billionaires With Big Ideas Are Privatizing American Science

Jean Lievens: SOLIDARIA – Platform, Marketplace & Seed of a Network of Cooperatives

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

SOLIDARIA – Platform, Marketplace & Seed of a Network of Cooperatives

Building the infrastructure for a global community of a commons-based peer society

Realizing, merging, funding, organizing & expanding the global commons – knowledge, culture, means of production and land property.

Solidaria will open up a space where all our activity is aimed towards extending the commons – open knowledge and freeculture as well as the material commons like housing, property and means of production!

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Clikc on Image to Enlarge

It enables you to work in cooperatives of the commons based peer-to-peer economy, no matter if you’re working in the knowledge economy or in a classical field. And it enables you to work for the commons even in projects that normally wouldn’t be economically viable – and still make a living off it! The decision which project you want to work on does not depend on the question if it is convertible into something commercial – all that matters is that you are contributing to the commons.

And it gives you back the power over how the economy works by opening up economic and environmental decisions to all stakeholders – it’s not the capitalist elite deciding anymore, but also not only the people inside the cooperatives,  it’s everyone!

It gives you the opportunity to consume inside the commons-based economy wherever possible. It also opens up powerful ways of collaborative consumption or producing things yourself.

And last but not least it even gives you the possibility to financially support the extension of the commons even with the big part of consumption that is not possible inside of it yet.

Read full article.

Jean Lievens: The Favela Chef Turning Food Waste Into Organic Dishes – Slow Food, Clean Food

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

The Favela Chef Turning Food Waste Into Organic Dishes | Food For Thought | Slow Food International – Good, Clean and Fair food.

Slow Food is a non-profit, eco-gastronomic member-supported organization that was founded in 1989 to counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people‚ where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world. Today, we have over 100.000 members all over the world. Find out more about us and what we do. Join us today.

Jean Lievens: P2P Podcast of the Day/XE: Gwendolyn Hallsmith and Bernard Lietaer on Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies

Civil Society, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Podcast of the Day/XE: Gwendolyn Hallsmith and Bernard Lietaer on Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies

From our friends at The Extraenviromentalist Podcast.

From the episode notes:

Occupy Wall Street has directed our attention to the extreme concentration of wealth resulting from decades of policy designed to trickle down prosperity. Through using a single type of bank debt currency, we allocate our labor and resources to benefit a global elite instead of our communities. Can we engage our local leaders and municipal governments to break this currency monoculture? Can global examples of currency ecology provide a map for improving educational experiences, enhancing the arts and building resilience to the fragility of central bank finance mechanisms?

Continue reading “Jean Lievens: P2P Podcast of the Day/XE: Gwendolyn Hallsmith and Bernard Lietaer on Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies”