Mongoose: More Proof USA Has Been Ruled by Great Britain

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The below material appears to have been scrubbed from the Internet. It is offered as a PDF in service to public understanding of the fact that the near enemy is Great Britain (the corrupt Royal Family and the City of London, not the good people of Great Britain) as well as the Russian-criminally controlled state of Israel that has also subverted 67 million Christian Evangelicals with the Schofield Bible and the bribery and blackmail of their leaders such as Jerry Fallwell Junior.

PDF (34 Page):

Tabu Revisionist History US Presidents Blood Relatives to UK King

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Yoda: Trump is a Bodhisattva – The Chosen One — The First President Since JFK NOT Controlled by the Deep State and the CIA?

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

Trump is a genius. He doesn't give a hoot about appearances. He is battling centuries of corruption and they want it all and this is a fight to the death. BLM has spent millions on automatic weapons. All the California fires, year after year are engineered. It's bad. Covid symptoms are from 5G. The vaccine Gates is pushing for, alters the DNA of the recipient. We will have GMO humans very soon if it is not stopped. Trump is what is called a Bodhisattva. Compare that to the serial rapist and murderer Hillary. The satanists will lose but so will our economy IMO. And I am worried they will start a war. Obama was not a president. He was and is a CIA agent as were both Bushes (junior via Cheney) and the Clintons.

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DefDog: Video (1:00:27) Lee Smith on ‘The Permanent Coup’; Clinesmith Likely Just 1st Indictment | American Thought Leaders

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

#russianinterference #kevinclinesmith #spygate

00:00 “Two-tiered system of justice” 1:11 What is “The Permanent Coup”? 5:25 Where are we at in the Flynn case? 9:38 Are indictments coming in the Durham probe? 25:29 “Third world politics” in America 32:19 How does China fit into “The Permanent Coup”? 56:20 How was surveilling the Trump campaign related to the Iran Deal? 58:03 Who is this book written for?

Jacob Hornberger: The CIA Versus the Kennedys

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

The CIA Versus the Kennedys

“… Kennedy Jr. stated that his grandfather, Joseph P. Kennedy, had served on a commission that was charged with examining and analyzing CIA covert activities, or “dirty tricks” as Kennedy Jr. put them. As part of that commission, Kennedy Jr stated, Joseph Kennedy (John Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy’s father) had determined that the CIA had done bad things with its regime-change operations that were destroying democracies, such as in Iran and Guatemala.

and then came JFK . . .

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Parag Khanna: China is a big tree, but it is not the forest — Making peace in Asia

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Parag Khanna

It's not too late for Asia to avert disaster

I recently had the opportunity to speak at length about Sino-Asian dynamics with David Barboza, founding editor of The Wire China. We discussed the dangerous China-centric bias is analysis of Asia, and the importance of understanding how weaker powers practice a shrewd “multi-alignment” (the term I coined in The Second World) to avoid taking sides in the emerging multipolar rivalry. I hope you enjoy reading the interview and look forward to your comments.

Read full post with links and graphics.

Breitbart: Exclusive — Trump Accomplishments List: President Provides Six-Page Document Detailing Successes of Administration

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

Exclusive — Trump Accomplishments List: President Provides Six-Page Document Detailing Successes of Administration

Good list.  Worthy of study.

See Also:

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