Bishop Riah Abu El Assal: Appeal for Peace in Palestine

Peace Intelligence


Grace and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ. Greetings from the Land of the Holy One, Israel and Palestine.

The Holy Land is in fire, in a situation of war, and needs to be restored to its holiness. It is full of human sufferings, because justice is absent. The land of God calls on all churches, governments, and people of good will, to act and put an end to this tragedy. All believers are responsible.

We write this appeal as Arab Palestinian Christians, who have lived here since Pentecost, and form an integral part of our society.

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SPY IMPROV #001 Now Posted — Subscribe to Watch

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The first SPY IMPROV at The Steele Report was a blockbuster. 30 minutes answering pre-screened questions, and then 30 minutes answering questions on chat. You can read the first report and watch the first video (which will never, ever, be made public) by subscribing to The Steele Report.

Next report wlll appear Monday. Next video will be next Saturday.

The Steele Report

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Mongoose: Did Obama Destroy Minnesota with Radical Islamic Somali Illegals?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Why Did the Revolution Start in Minnesota?

. . . change has largely been the result of the immigrant resettlement programs, which have deliberately placed large refugee populations in Minnesota communities. As recently in 2018, the census bureau reported that since 2010 populations of people of color had increased faster in Minnesota than the rest of the nation.

There is no natural reason for people from Sub-Saharan African to migrate to Minnesota. Yet, the state has 52,333 people who report Somali ancestry — the largest concentration of Somalis in America — according to data from 2017. This is not a stable group of people trying to assimilate into American life — more men and boys from the Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined – or attempted to join – a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country.

Read full article.

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Sorcha Fall (David Booth): Military Chaos, Assassination Plots

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Threat To Trump From American Military Establishment Thrusts World To Brink Of Unthinkable

Durham Breakup Of Plot To Assassinate Trump Causes Top DoJ Officials To Flee

Phi Beta Iota: Sorcha Faal (David Booth) is a gifted fabricator working out of the DC area but he (or the group) have a gift for narrative and their links are always real. We consider them worthy of careful reading.

Martin Armstrong: Class War Not Race War; Police Immunity not Police Brutality; Government Could Fall

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

Defunding Police – Is This the Right Choice or the Next Step in Revolution?

Key points: more whites killed than blacks by police. This is about police impunity and immunity.  This is a class war not a race war.  COVID-19 wrecked the economy, created 40 million unemployed who are now protesting unemployment rather than any particular police incident.  We are in stage two of revolution.  How military and police go will determine if it gets out of hand and goes totally violent in stage three. Education of the public — and restoration of economic and social justice — is the only non-violent exit strategy.

Continue reading “Martin Armstrong: Class War Not Race War; Police Immunity not Police Brutality; Government Could Fall”