Journal: Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid–Learn this Word


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A Lucky Hawk So Far

Robert Gates, a success under George Bush, seeks to do even better under Barack Obama

Napoleon, it is said, preferred a lucky general to a good one. Sitting in the E-ring of the cavernous Pentagon is a man who has shown himself to be both fortunate and skilful. These days the gossip among Washington’s national-security savants is whether the unassuming Robert Gates is, in fact, the best secretary of defence that America has ever had.

Perhaps so. Fate has been kind. Mr Gates is already unusual for being kept on as defence secretary by a new president entering the White House. Hired by George Bush in 2006 to salvage the war in Iraq, Mr Gates is trying to do the same in Afghanistan for Barack Obama. If anything he has become more influential, taking on not just Iraqi militias and the Taliban, but also a stubborn domestic foe: the “iron triangle” of armed services, defence industries and Congress that controls the Pentagon’s gargantuan military-spending programmes.

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+++++++Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment+++++++

The Economist is a thoughtful source.  Click on the logo to read the rest of the piece.  Click on the political cartoon to visit the artist's home page–we consider political cartoons to be “high art.”   Click on the cartoon below to read the warnings Secretary Gates and all others have ignored for 20 years.

In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king [but only if the blind have hold of his hem].  Secretary Gates embodies an extraordinary combination of intellect, discipline, and savoir faire, but he has reached his limits.  Absent a Whole of Government strategic initiative to get a grip on reality, scrub the budget of waste, and redirect all of America's policies, domestic as well as foreign, in harmonization with one another as well as reality, he will go down with the ship, which hit the iceberg under Clinton and sank under Bush.  Obama is just bailing water from the piece still floating (one issue at a time) and pretending it is effective.  America can still be saved, but not without Electoral Reform and a coincident commitment to creating a Smart Nation.

20 Year Retrospective
20-Year Retrospective

Journal: Ron Paul [Says] Government Is A Failure


Ron Paul
Ron Paul

Congressman speaks on martial law, auditing the Fed and running for president in 2012

Steve Watson
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Texas Congressman Ron Paul, founder of the advocacy group Campaign for Liberty, spoke on a number of issues yesterday including the growing opposition to socialized healthcare, the threat of martial law, his ongoing effort to audit the Federal Reserve and the prospect of running for president in 2012. Below are the highlights of the Congressman’s comments followed by video of the full interview.

Ron Paul on the future of the economy and false optimism:

“There is a limit to how long they can fool the people, if you’ve been out of work and you don’t have enough money to feed your kids, and you listen to this you just don’t buy into this stuff. I’ve always argued that the people are always ten to fifteen years ahead of Congress.”

“There will be a time when the psychology changes, when it turns into a rout, and that’s what they can’t control. But I don’t think there will be a bank holiday, that will help cause panic… they’re not going to close the banks, they’re going to keep the presses running. They don’t default by not paying the bills… if they can inflate by 50% they’ve just defaulted on half of the debt.”

Click on photo to see rest of summary in print and view video if desired.

Journal: You Tube Pulls Hundreds Of Ron Paul Videos–Popular C-Span Junkie user channel suspended, 6400 videos gone

Shame, Shame, Shame

If you post videos about people eating each other’s vomit or clips of plastic bimbos with their breasts hanging out then you’ll be left alone, but God forbid should anyone try to give the country a window on what’s actually happening in Congress and what their own Representatives are talking about – in that case your thought crimes will immediately be censored and removed.

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You Tube has expanded its zealous copyright crusade by suspending the popular C-Span Junkie user channel, and in doing so has pulled hundreds of viral Ron Paul videos, which are now completely dead.

The C-Span Junkie user channel, a non-partisan archive of short clips taken from C-Span broadcasts of events in the Congress and the Senate, has been the home of the vast majority of You Tube videos you have seen of Bernanke, Geithner, Paulson and others being confronted in Congress, as well as Ron Paul’s speeches on the House floor. A total of more than 6400 videos in all have been pulled, hundreds of which featured the Texan Congressman.

Whether or not C-Span itself requested that You Tube pull the channel is not known, but it is clearly in the public interest and constitutes fair use to show a clip less than 10 minutes in length of what the people who are supposedly our Representatives are saying in Congress on our behalf.

As we have highlighted before, You Tube arbitrarily suspends accounts based on flimsy copyright claims that aren’t even properly investigated.

Click on image above for full story.

Journal: Coup in Qatar? Middle East Convergences…

08 Wild Cards, Military

CQ Politics Full Story
CQ Politics Full Story

U.S. Military Downplays Qatar Coup Rumors

By Jeff Stein | August 5, 2009

Senior American military officials Wednesday threw cold water on reports of an attempted coup d'etat in Qatar, nerve center for the U.S. military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Original Source

Arab Websites Report On Failed Coup Attempt In Qatar

Various Arab websites are reporting on the sudden firing of senior Qatari military officials after they staged a failed coup attempt.

Continue reading “Journal: Coup in Qatar? Middle East Convergences…”

Journal: Where Our Defense Money Goes

Budgets & Funding, Military

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Boston Globe
August 5, 2009

By Bob Edgar and Bill Goodfellow

BY THREATENING to veto the defense appropriations bill if it included money for more F-22 stealth fighter planes, President Obama signaled that he was going to put an end to the way business has been done in Washington. We applaud the president?s announcement, but so far it is more symbolic than real.

Continue reading “Journal: Where Our Defense Money Goes”

Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags Jeff Madrick on Greed and Corruption in Form of Economic “Rents” in Form of Massive Unwarranted Bonuses and Salaries Among Wall Street, Federal Reserve, and Revolving Department of Defense Leaders

Budgets & Funding, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Military
In the attached essay, my friend Jeff Madrick uses the unbridled greed of the finance industry (now trying to rescue itself from its own excesses by sucking at the government teat) to highlight the basic hypocrisy in the so-called free-market economy of go-go capitalism.  Jeff summarizes the results of two recent mainstream economic studies which show the egregious bonuses in the finance industry are simply the fruits of unfair economic privilege.  To economists, this privilege takes the form of obscene economic “rents” — i.e., the excessive revenues and inefficiencies that competition is supposed to eliminate under the capitalist theory (ideology) of free markets.

Journal: Human Intel Or Technical Intel?

Methods & Process, Military, Peace Intelligence

August 5, 2009

Human Intel Or Technical Intel?

By Greg Grant

Some of the leading doyens of the Washington national security set recently returned from Afghanistan where they were part of new Afghan commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s strategy review. CSIS’s Anthony Cordesman reported back last week with a generally pessimistic take on the state of affairs on that front.

One point Cordesman made in his briefing to Washington reporters really jumped out: the surprisingly poor intelligence we have on the enemy. How is it that eight years into this war we don’t have better intelligence on exactly who we’re fighting?

Continue reading “Journal: Human Intel Or Technical Intel?”