1997 Pinchot (US) Beyond Bureaucracy: The Rise of the Intelligence Organization

Communities of Practice, Historic Contributions
Gifford Pinchot
Gifford Pinchot

Gifford Pinchot captivated several hundred mid-career profressionals from around the world at OSS '97.  He was so compelling that the long break was cancelled to give him overtime.  Below is a copy of his presentation.  See also the review of the book, The End of Bureaucracy, a copy of which was provided to each participant.

Amazon Page
Amazon Page
Beyond Bureaucracy
Beyond Bureaucracy

1997 Tyrrell (UK) Proposals for the Development of an Open Source Programme to Support NATO and PfP Activities

Historic Contributions, Military, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence
1997 NATO Handbooks
Commodore Patrick Tyrell, RN OBE

Without the leadership of then Capt Patrick Tyrrell, RN OBE, these handbooks would not exist today.  He started the ball rolling, BGen Jim Cox, CA, then NATO and SHAPE Deputy J-2 organized a lecture to all the flag officers in charge of military intelligence, and finally directed SACLANT, then led by General William Kernan, USA, to create these first multinational doctrinal guides.  Under the direct supervision of Admiral Sir William Pewone, RN, this was done over the course of two years. Below is the white paper and lecture that started it all.

NATO Awakes....
NATO Awakes....

1996 Roger (AU) Open Source Strategies for Law Enforcement

Historic Contributions, Law Enforcement
Whatever You Do....
Whatever You Do....

Paul Roger entered mid-career working the Hong Kong Organized Crime target with a special focus on the triads.  He mastered the art of working with indigenous street-level sources while leveraging back office colonial processing power.  In Australia he invented “time travel” and this was the most provocative element of his OSS '96 presentation, below.  We have failed to study the history of organized crime such that we can stop it in its tracks as it migrates from Italy to Scotland, or Latin America to West Africa.

Don't Kill the Dog!
Don't Kill the Dog!

1996 Strassmann (US) U.S. Knowledge Assets: Choice Traget for Information Crime

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Government, Historic Contributions, Law Enforcement
Paul Strassmann
Paul Strassmann

Whenever we get depressed about the inability of large organizations to “hear” we just remind ourselves that no one listens to Brent Scowcroft or Paul Strassmann either despite their stature as intellectual giants.

Strassmann is an enterprise unto himself after decades of being a CIO for Xerox, DoD, and then a reprise at NASA for Sean O'Keefe.  His books are among the most vital for executives seeking to actually understand the business value of computing.  Below is his presentation to OSS '96.

Knowledge Targets
Knowledge Targets