SchwartzReport: Americans Say 75 Percent of Politicians Are Corrupted, 70 Percent Use Political Power to Hurt Enemies

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

We are in what is actually an amazing political situation; one that is very dangerous for a democracy. Neither conservatives nor social progressives have any respect for the political class, and a vast majority see them as corrupt whores for special interests.

Americans Say 75 Percent of Politicians Are Corrupted, 70 Percent Use Political Power to Hurt Enemies

Berto Jongman: Quantum Encryption NSA Proof? Plus 16 Disturbing Things Snowden Has Taught Us So Far…

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Military
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Physicists are building an NSA-proof internet

The next generation web — far more secure than today’s — is on the way. Here’s how it works.

“This now works in the lab. It has even gone commercial: There is a small industry doing what is called quantum-key distribution…”

Read full article.

16 disturbing things Snowden has taught us (so far)

What is the extent of the information Edward Snowden has leaked? The consequences? We break it down.

13) Your address book is the NSA's address book 

As reported Oct. 14 by the Washington Post, the latest Snowden leaks reveal that the NSA has secretly been collecting millions of email and chat contact lists around the world. The program reportedly takes in as many as 500,000 contacts from email inboxes and chat rooms every day. The Post described an average day's gleaning as follows: “444,743 email address books from Yahoo, 105,068 from Hotmail, 82,857 from Facebook, 33,697 from Gmail and 22,881 from unspecified other providers.”

Read full article.

Owl: Why Won’t US Arrest Its Bankers The Way Iceland Arrested Theirs? 10 More Rothschild-Connected Bankers Arrested in London

Commerce, Corruption, Government
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Why Can't the US Arrest Our Corrupt Bankers Just as Iceland Arrests Their Corrupt Bankers?

Way to go Iceland! You are an example for all civilized countries to emulate:

“The truth of the matter is… No one, except the Icelanders, have to been the only culture on the planet to carry out this successfully. Not only have they been successful, at overthrowing the corrupt Gov’t, they’ve drafted a Constitution, that will stop this from happening ever again. “That’s not the best part… The best part, is that they have arrested ALL Rothschild/Rockefeller banking puppets, responsible for the Country’s economic Chaos and meltdown. Last week 9 people were arrested in London and Reykjavik for their possible responsibility for Iceland’s financial collapse in 2008, a deep crisis which developed into an unprecedented public reaction that is changing the country’s direction…”


Iceland Dismantles the Corrupt – Then Arrests Ten Rothschild Bankers

Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 reality check – A Boeing 777 doesn’t disappear unless governments want it to disappear

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Flight 370 reality check: A Boeing 777 doesn't disappear unless governments want it to disappear

Sunday, March 30, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

(NaturalNews) As the conventional news coverage of Flight 370 becomes increasingly delusional and detached from reality, for the sake of all those families and loved ones still suffering I thought it important to publish a reality check that can help bring the discussion back to some common sense.

Let's cover five indisputable facts about governments, radar and aircraft:

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 reality check – A Boeing 777 doesn't disappear unless governments want it to disappear”

Berto Jongman: $1.9 Trillion Held Overseas to Avoid US Taxes

Commerce, Corruption
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

The Trillions of Dollars U.S. Companies Are Hoarding Overseas

And a tax repatriation holiday is no way to get them to bring it all back home.

The Atlantic Monthly,

There's a lot of cash on the sidelines, but those sidelines aren't in the U.S. They're overseas—in tax shelters.

According to a new report from ISI Research, U.S. S&P 500 companies now have $1.9 trillion parked outside the country. Now, some of that is just multinational corporations profits overseas—yada, yada, yada, globalization. But a big part of it is tax avoidance. Tech and healthcare companies in particular have created byzantine systems of subsidiaries to channel earnings from high-tax to low-tax jurisdictions. Apple, as you might recall, figured out how to legally avoid paying any corporate income tax anywhere on its $30 billion of overseas profits. It set up Schrödinger's shell company: an Irish subsidiary that didn't owe Irish taxes because it was managed and controlled from the U.S., but didn't owe U.S. taxes because it was incorporated abroad.

You can see how steadily these corporate cash hoards have increased in the chart below. As Dan McCrum points out, it follows a basic power rule: Just 45 companies account for 70 percent of this money.

Read full article and see graphic.