Mini-Me: American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus

Commerce, Corruption, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Non-Governmental
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus


The American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (formerly the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya) is a Freedom House initiative that bills itself as the ”only private, nongovernmental organization in North America exclusively dedicated to promoting the peaceful resolution of the Russo-Chechen war.”[1] According to Freedom House, ACPC “coordinates with an international network of activists, journalists, scholars and nongovernmental organizations to advocate for and support human rights and rule of law, to monitor the upward trend of violence in the region, and to promote peace and stability in the North Caucasus.”[2] As of early 2013, the committee appeared to be largely defunct.

Founded in 1999 by U.S. liberal hawks and neoconservatives primarily interested in using the conflict in Chechnya to press an anti-Russian agenda, the ACPC eventually updated its name and broadened its focus after conflicts erupted between Russia and other parts of the Caucasus, including Ingushetia, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, and North Ossetia.[3]

In early 2013, the committee attracted attention when the suspects in the April 2013 Boston marathon bombing were identified as ethnic Chechens. Although early reports did not indicate that the suspects were driven by Chechen nationalist motivations, some writers questioned whether the FBI had improperly ignored warnings from Russian authorities that one of the alleged bombers had met repeatedly with a suspected terrorist leader in Dagestan.

A writer for suggested that groups like ACPC had promulgated an anti-Russian bias in Washington that precluded serious consideration of Russian warnings about potential Chechen terrorists. “How did [the bombers] manage to evade the multi-billion dollar ‘security apparatus, which was set up with so much fanfare after 9/11? The answer is to be found in the manipulations and odorous alliances dictated by our interventionist foreign policy, a throwback to the cold war era, which has deemed Russia an enemy and the Chechens the Good Guys.”[4]

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Eagle: YouTube (4:20) The Corbett Report – The War on Terror is Over – America Lost

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Published on Apr 24, 2013


It has often been observed that the war on terror is unwinnable. After all, how could a war on an abstract noun ever have its “Mission Accomplished” moment? It is, according to this wisdom, meant to drag on forever. Just because a war can't be won, however, doesn't mean it can't be lost. The truth is that the war on terror is over. And America has lost.

First Comment at YouTube:

Boston was the most disgusting display of servitude to the fascist globalist BORG I have EVER seen!  I've harbored great feelings of shame over the actions and INaction of Americans over the past few decades but this one….  My own countrymen shocked me with their genuflection to an evil social engineering tyrannical dictatorship. Simply appalling!  This was a test case, America!  Boston failed the test and MISERABLY!  NOW we can expect more of the same and MUCH…worse.

Berto Jongman: Jeremy Scahill – The Secret Story Behind Obama’s Assassination of Two Americans in Yemen

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Being watched in Europe.

Jeremy Scahill: The Secret Story Behind Obama’s Assassination of Two Americans in Yemen


The Obama administration’s assassination of two U.S. citizens in 2011, Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16-year-old Denver-born son Abdulrahman, is a central part of Jeremy Scahill’s new book, “Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield.” The book is based on years of reporting on U.S. secret operations in Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan. While the Obama administration has defended the killing of Anwar, it has never publicly explained why Abdulrahman was targeted in a separate drone strike two weeks later. Scahill reveals CIA Director John Brennan, Obama’s former senior adviser on counterterrorism and homeland security, suspected that the teenager had been killed “intentionally.” “The idea that you can simply have one branch of government unilaterally and in secret declare that an American citizen should be executed or assassinated without having to present any evidence whatsoever, to me, is a — we should view that with great sobriety about the implications for our country,” says Scahill, national security correspondent for The Nation magazine. Today the U.S. Senate is preparing to hold its first-ever hearing on the Obama administration’s drone and targeted killing program. However, the Obama administration is refusing to send a witness to answer questions about the program’s legality. “Dirty Wars” is also the name of a new award-winning documentary by Scahill and Rick Rowley, which will open in theaters in June. We air the film’s new trailer. Click here to watch Part 2 of this interview.

See Also:

Berto Jongman: YouTube (1:52) Jeremy Scahill on Significance of Wikileaks as Source on US Dirty Wars and Department of State Being Over-Ruled

Jim Dean: Boston Bombing — DHS Out-Sourced Red Cell Attack to Israel?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
Jim W. Dean
Jim W. Dean

Jim Dean comes from an old military family dating back to the American Revolution. Dozens of Confederate ancestors fought the Yankees in our Civil War. Uncles fought in WWII and Korea. His father as a WWII P-40 and later P-51 Mustang fighter pilot. Vietnam found several uncles serving, a cousin, and brother Wendell as a young Ranger officer.

Boston Bombing – DHS Contracted Security out to Israelis

Veterans Today, 24 April 2013

The dust has settled on Boston, America’s newest example and scene of national insecurity.

As Kevin Barrett’s hugely successful Press TV article pointed out yesterday we witnessed corporate media suggesting a major domestic terror attack might have been done by our own security people. Military Intelligence agrees.

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Many in the Intel and national security business have watched all this happen just totally aghast not only at the brazenness involved to orchestrate such sting operations, but the general acceptance by a public that seems almost brain dead to the internal threat represented. There is much blame to go around.

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What we quickly observed was security breach after security breach, like all the doors had been left open. We saw Israeli operational profiles all over the place, many with ear buds getting feeds from higher up spotters who were watching where the cops and bomb dogs were, and where they were not.

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What we have here once again is a profile of a security stand down. Could it be incompetence? No, not when you outsource to one of the biggest terrorist operations in the world… the one called Israel.

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Let me repeat in closing. There was no way that two kettle bombs could have been walked in, placed, and then the bombers get away, without a security penetration letting them do it.

Read full article with photos..

DefDog: Three Pounds of Firecracker Powder for Boston Bombing? Updated with EOD “No Way, Jose”

IO Deeds of War

Not only does this track perfectly with a false flag scenario, but the fact that ANOTHER false flag bomber used the same store — a long way from Times Square — is beyond belief absent the same “handler” being lazy about finding new sources for marginally credible purchases.

Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev bought three pounds of black powder from N.H. fireworks store

Bomber even got one set of shells free. Purchase was in February.

Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev walked into a New Hampshire fireworks store two months before his deadly attack and asked for the “biggest and loudest” kit in the store — then got another set free, the Daily News has learned.

In a chilling twist, the company that sold Tamerlan the fireworks is the same company that sold Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad the firecrackers he used to build his failed car bomb.

“We were just shocked,” said Bill Weimer, vice president of Phamtom Fireworks in Seabrook, N.H. “After our Times Square experience, we said, ‘It can’t happen twice.’”

Read full article.

UPDATE 24 April 2013:  Our EOD experts have confirmed that there is no way three pounds of gunpowder would have blown open a pressure cooker and scattered scrapnel — or six pounds — or nine pounds.  They speculate that the false flag architects, knowing nothing about explosives, were being guided by the common story about firecrackers blowing off hands.  This is a very solid lead suggestive of false flag handling.  Naturally the FBI will not reveal all the telephone records showing weekly or bi-weekly calls with his handler, but that is what an honest counterintelligence agency would start with.

DefDog: IO Coup — Twitter AP Hoax Blows Up US Stock Market — Syrian Electronic Army (Really?) Claims Responsibility

IO Deeds of War

Although contained, this is a marvelous example of stupid computers programmed by stupid humans with stupid algorithms doing damage before smarter humans can intervene.  There is also no proof whatsoever this was done by anyone connected to Syria.  The plot thickens.

Twitter Hoax Sparks Swift Stock Swoon

A short-lived hoax on Twitter briefly erased $200 billion of value from U.S. stock markets on Tuesday, underscoring the vulnerability of financial markets to computerized trading programs that buy and sell shares without human intervention.

A tweet purportedly from the Associated Press just before 1:08 p.m. reported two explosions in the White House and that President Barack Obama had been injured. The posting sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbling roughly 145 points in an instant.

Continue reading “DefDog: IO Coup — Twitter AP Hoax Blows Up US Stock Market — Syrian Electronic Army (Really?) Claims Responsibility”

Mini-Me: Syria & Chemical Weapons — Israel Lies, US Unconvinced, Russia Angry — Cost of US Meddling Rises for All

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Israel Says Syria Has Used Chemical Weapons

TEL AVIV – Israel’s senior military intelligence analyst said Tuesday there was evidence the Syrian government had repeatedly used chemical weapons in the last month, and he criticized the international community for failing to respond, intensifying pressure on the Obama administration to intervene.

Hagel skeptical of Syria chemical weapons claims

No proof of Syria chemical weapons: US

Pentagon sends troops to Jordan to counter Syria chemical weapons threat

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Syria & Chemical Weapons — Israel Lies, US Unconvinced, Russia Angry — Cost of US Meddling Rises for All”