ARSTRAT IO Newsletter Volume 12 Number 3

IO Newsletter
ARSTRAT IO Newsletter

ARSTRAT IO Newsletter v12 no 03

Table of Contents

This newsletter covers December and January.  Articles included are:

1.      9th Annual Army Global Information Operations Conference
2.      A Speed Bump for Pentagon's Information Ops
3.      Special Forces Get Social in New Psychological Operation Plan
4.      Hazards of Perception Management
5.      Does Social Media Help or Hurt Terrorism?
6.      All Quiet on the Western Front
7.      Who sent a false text message saying cash benefits will no longer be paid to Iranians?
8.      Cyberspat Erupts As Baku-Tehran Relations Become Increasingly Strained
9.      SPAWAR Recognizes Space Cadre at Information Dominance Warfare Officer Pinning Ceremony
10.     In the Middle East, Cyberattacks Are Flavored with Political Rhetoric
11.     SCADA Systems in Railways Vulnerable to Attack
12.     Twitter Able To Censor Tweets in Individual Countries
13.     Taliban Folklore in Pakistani Media
14.     Iran Mounts New Web Crackdown
15.     Call For Cyberwar ‘Peacekeepers'
16.     The Strategic Communication of Unmanned Warfare
17.     57% Believe a Cyber Arms Race is Currently Taking Place, Reveals McAfee-Sponsored Cyber Defense Report
18.     In Battle for Hearts And Minds, Taliban Turn To CDs
19.     Can U.S. Deter Cyber War?
20.     Supremacy in cyberspace: Obama's ‘Star Wars'?
21.     Chinese Tech Giant Aids Iran
22.     China Likely to Go Asymmetric if Conflict Breaks out with United States

IO Newsletter Vol 12 No 1 (October 2011)

IO Newsletter

ARSTRAT IO Newsletter v12 no 01

1. Electronic Warfare Is More than Jamming IEDs
2. Crowdsourcing Democracy through Social Media
3. Coast Guard Cyberdefense Office: Small but Mighty
4. U.S. cyberweapons had been considered to disrupt Gaddafi’s air defenses
5. US Air Force Wins U.S. National Cybersecurity Innovation Award
6. The Next Generation Jammer Will Not Be Used For Cyber Warfare
7. US General: Communications with Pakistan on cross-border operations inconsistent but improving
8. Chinese Military Suspected in Hacker Attacks on U.S. Satellites
9. Twitter war with the Taliban
10. Internet Censorship Growth Hampers News, Study Says
11. Creech Drone Virus Infection Accidental, STRATCOM Commander Says
12. Suspected US satellite hacking attacks: Reaction
13. How Electronic Warfare Is Redefining the Battlefield
14. China Denies It Is Behind Hacking Of U.S. Satellites
15. Hacks make large-scale sabotage possible
16. Army Sees Cyber Threats As Imminent
17. Geospatial Information Authority targeted in cyber attack: Maeda
18. Third Army conducts public affairs, military information support operations seminar for LAF

Reference: IO Newsletter Vol 10 No 5

IO Newsletter
IO Newsletter V 10 N 05

Articles in this issue

1.       Air Force Cyber-security Unit Prepares Operations

2.       It's Like Slate for Terrorists

3.       Anatomy of a Cyber-Espionage Attack, likely by the Chinese Military

4.       Military leaders accelerate C4ISR integration

5.       Cold war enemies Russia and China launch a cyber attack every day

6.       New report says ‘cyber warfare' has become a reality

7.       Cyberwar: Can the Government Adapt?

8.       Debate Continues Over Cyber Protection, NSA Role

9.       An introduction to the FBI's anti-cyber crime network

10.     NSA Official Addresses AFCEA Solutions Conference

11.     NSA To Build $1.5 Billion Cybersecurity Data Center

12.     NSA’s Public Relations Spinmeisters

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