Preston James: 35 Things the Ruling Cabal Tries to Conceal from the Public

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Offbeat Fun, Officers Call
Preston James
Preston James

35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know

The advent of the worldwide Internet is proving to be the undoing of this Cabal’s previous near complete lock on the truth.


35.The Ruling cabal’s greatest secret is that they are unable to infect and control those Americans who refuse to violate the Golden Rule (except in self-defense) know and keep a strong commitment to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and refuse to be compromised or accept the lies and evil of the Ruling Cabal or its representatives or agents. They know that if more 12% of the people fully wake up they are finished, and we are at 10% now pushing 11%. Yes, research suggests 12% is a major societal tipping point and once reached, it’s bye-bye time for the ruling cabal eventually, one way or another.


This recent flap over the big government lie that Assad used poison gas against the Syrian people is a great opportunity to see this newly emerging world populism work.The CMMM has been broadcasting 24/7 that Assad did it and most of the alternative media on the Internet Has claimed just the opposite, that US, Israeli & Saudi financed and supported Al Cia Duh has been responsible. Ron Paul is arguing differently.

Read full post, 35 items articulated.

EXCLUSIVE: Transcript of the Alleged Al Qaeda Call

Offbeat Fun, Officers Call

Exclusive: transcript of the intercepted al-Qaeda phone call that sparked embassy closures

Thanks to our sources in the US State Department, we have obtained the transcript of the al-Qaeda telephone call that sparked temporary US embassy closures in the Middle East and worldwide travel warnings. The conversation between al-Qaeda global leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and Nasir al-Wuhayshi, the head of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) makes it clear why the US had no option but to raise the terrorist threat level to its highest code.

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Yoda: Crowdsourcing Exploitation of NSA’s Unprocessed Data

Offbeat Fun
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Oversight: Crowdsourcing the NSA's surveillance programs

Geek comedian Tom Scott imagines citizen volunteers accessing the real-time data store of spy agencies to help keep the country safe.

Imagine that the NSA and the U.K.'s GCHQ opened their databases and tools to public volunteers to aid them in the search for terrorists. Tom Scott, who is described as a British geek comedian, programmer, and presenter, produced a video, “Oversight: Thank you for volunteering, citizen,” that imagines ordinary citizens accessing the databases of everything about everyone to assist governments in their surveillance activities.

Scott's “Oversight” program lets ordinary citizens click on potential threats as they are logged, such as an e-mail with the words “blowing things up” in it; view the information; and add information to spy agency databases.

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