Link restored 6 Jan 10.
Boyd Sutton was one of a handful of great intelligence community leaders who understood how to handle and get the most out of what CIA described as “self-starters” (they have up the idea after half of both classes quit within give years–go along bureaucrats are still the norm). He also had a huge mind, and went form being in charge of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) vault dealing with all external technical programs (the Advanced Program and Evaluation Group) to being a senior executive at the National Reconaissance Office (NRO), and then a retiree consultant charged by then DNI George Tenet with establishing the requirements for Global Coverage–the answer: $10 million for each of 150 “lower tier” countries and issues including non-state actors and emerging threats, or $1.5 billion a year year–today that would be $3 billion. Boyd's contribution of the unclassified version of his study to the public, in the public interest, is a significant example of individual integrity in the service of the Republic.
Click on the Frog to connect to his original 1997 study slides and full text, all unclassified as released.
GOLDEN CANDLE AWARD: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
OSS '04: To the JHU-APL, and especially to Capt Joseph Mazzafro, USN (Ret) and Dr. Michael Vlahos, for sustained excellence in the integration of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) into their complex all-source analytic efforts in support of the Department of Defense. Aided by the Gibson Library, they have set a new standard.
Michael Vlahos is an iconoclast and a free-thinker.
The transmittal memorandum below, and the paper, each shown for separate access, represent an update on his views as expressed in his seminal monographs,“Culture’s Mask: War and Change After Iraq” (62-page pdf), Johns Hopkins (2004) and“Terror’s Mask: Insurgency Within Islam” (34-page pdf), Johns Hopkins University (2002), and new thinking that has NOT been understood by either the outgong Bush-Cheney Administration or the incoming Obama-Biden Administration.
The U.S. Intelligence Community and its policy and operational consumers do not “do” culture and are seriously challenged at geo-anything. Michael Vlahos, in our view, has ably articulated the central lens by which we should be crafting our collection, policy, trade, and operational strategies with respect to the rising tide of Islam (India, Indonesia, Iran, and pockets everywhere else).
These briefings were commissioned by the Ministry of Defense in Italy and delivered over two days with independent official briefings from Carol Dumaine, then the active leader of the Global Futures Partnership Initiative (GFP).
2002 FAILURE of 20th Century Intelligence
2004 The Failure of 20th Century Intelligence (Updated 2006)
2004 COLLECTION: Know Who Knows
2004 PROCESSING: Make the Most of What You Know
Carol Dumaine was for a few years allowed to manage an internal revoslution in intelligence affairs that ultimately failed, but left its mark. She is still standing, and we expect to see her at the finish line when we finally do achieve a revolution in intelligence affairs and create both a Smart Nation and a World Brain.
Above, with a full title of Are You Ready?: Implications of a Changing Global Information Environment for Open Source Intelligence, was published in June 2001. It remains a precious point of reference.
The internal revolution failed, Global Futures Partnership was transferred to the Department of State where it has been stuffed in a closet, and Carol Dumain marches on professionally.