Norie Huddle: Curing Patients Is Not a Sustainable Business Model

07 Health
Norie Huddle

Goldman Sachs Analyst: Curing Patients Not a Sustainable Medical Business Model

Phi Beta Iota: A healthy society not only kills the existing fraudulent medical-pharmaceutical industry, but definition it also kills the poisonous agricultural and manufacturing industries. Legalizing cannabis oil is the single biggest good President Trump could direct. Creating an Open Source Agency that documents true cost economics of everything would kills off the rest of the Deep State's cash flow cows.

Jon Rappoport: 5G Harmful Effects

07 Health, IO Impotency
Jon Rappoport

5G: Harmful effects of a new technology

* See “5G Radiation Dangers—11 Reasons To Be Concerned,” by Lloyd Burrell (twitter), at Well worth a read.

* Of course, read Patrick Wood’s (twitter) instant classic, Technocracy Rising, which explains the hidden agenda of Globalism in the 21st century. Patrick’s blog is here.

“Along with the 5G there is another thing coming — Internet of Things. If you look at it…the radiation level is going to increase tremendously and yet the industry is very excited about it… they project 5G/IoT business to be a $7 trillion business.” — Prof. Girish Kumar, Professor at Electrical Engineering Department at IIT Bombay

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Mongoose: Deep State Infected Blacks with Syphillis and Planned Operation Northwoods — and You Don’t Think They Will Kill Kids and Weaponize Vaccines?

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

These Horrors Hidden For More Than 40 Years Prove That The ‘Deep State' Is Capable Of Having Children Murdered In ‘False Flag Event' To Disarm America

“Why would a government that infected black men with a venereal disease and then did not treat them so they could watch the horrible progress of the disease before it killed them NOT be considered capable of murdering children in a false flag event to disarm us? The NRA taught black people the use of guns for self protection when they needed it most.”