Search: global insurgency map


Thank you for this search.  In the absence of Berto Jongman's map of world conflict and human rights, still the very best and most comprehensive document available, the Chart of Conflict 2011 from the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London is worth a look but a pale substitute.  Insurgency occurs when a government loses legitimacy.  This loss of legitimacy inspires a wide range of responses from the non-violent to the violent.  Most maps and handbooks do not have a sophisticated analytic model and do not account for the preconditions of revolution across all the domains.

See Also:

Graphic: Preconditions of Revolution in the USA

Revolution 2.0 Awakening 2012 (CLOSED)

Search: design thinking and public administratio

About the Idea, Searches

This is a vital search, exactly on point.  21st Century public administration must be about design.  The machine search results are disappointing.  Here are a few thoughts and some links from the human in the loop.

1.  Public Administration is not Public Management.  The administrator should be a civil servant in the fullest sense of the word, dedicated to connecting the common sense of the public to the public interest through transparency, truth, and trust.  The acme of skill for a public administrator is to harness the distributed intelligence of the collective, to enable the collective to connect to all information in all languages all the time, and to enable real-time integrated humanities, faith, and science in the service of all humanity.

2.  Design is the acme of skill for the public administrator in the new century.  However, the design must be holistic, taking into account the  importance of eradicating all ten high-level threats to humanity by harmonizing the policies and spending of all stakeholders across the twelve core policies, with particular respect for the concerns of the eight demographic challengers.

3.  Intelligence (decision-support) and integrity are the twin elements that in combination enable holistic design.  If it is not holistic, it is not design but rather a kludge that is unsustainable.

4.  Buckminster Fuller, Medard Gabel, Russell Ackoff, and John N. Warfield are especially noteworthy as sources.  Richard Falk was decades ahead of his time and uniquely is still with us today (2011).

See Also:

Continue reading “Search: design thinking and public administratio”

Search: kucinich coalition reform


The results that came up are comprehensive and repeated below. The first was surprising but makes sense when read as an architectural solution  Huckabee-Kucinich or Ron Paul-Dennis Kucinich will probably never happen, but either would get us back on track.

Review: Simple Government
ON INTELLIGENCE: Open Letter to the President
Reference: Steele at Huffington Post Updated
Virtual President Announces Coalition Cabinet
Review: The Book on Bush–How George W. (Mis)leads America

See Also:

Dennis Kucinich, Vice President for the Commonwealth–and Some Details
Journal: Dennis Kucinich Introduces Monetary Reform
Journal: Dean Breaks with Obama, Third Party Rumbles
Michael Bloomberg, Vice President for Education, Intelligence, & Research — Creating a Smart Nation

Reform Specifics:

Seven Promises to America–Who Will Do This?
Reference: Electoral Reform–1 Page 9 Points 2.2
Graphic: Smart Nation Through Four Reforms
Graphic: Four National Reforms
“Four Reforms: Electoral, Intelligence, Governance, National Security”