Search: fraud waste g.a.o “war is a racket”

Corruption, Searches

WordPress is great but it cannot handle complex queries or triage within words.  Here are some human-in-loop hits along with the search terms that worked in isolation–click on them to see the related hits surrounding the core hit.

war is a racket

review war is a racket butler

Core:  Review: War is a Racket–The Antiwar Classic by America’s Most Decorated Soldier

fraud waste abuse

This entire website is about intelligence & integrity which means that it is also about fraud, waste, and abuse–corruption–the natural outcome when intelligence & integrity are lacking.

Core:  Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Negative)

G.A.O. is best searched as GAO and that turns out to be a really excellent path to much of the summary posts on corruption in  the US Government.


Please note that the categories down the middle column are a fine path to specific posts.

Search: intelligence outreach


Search <intelligence outreach>  ..  Search <outreach>.  This entire website is about intelligence outreach.  Thank you for this incentive to outline a summary of core contributions here on this topic.

Intelligence outreach today is virtually non-existent for several reasons:

1,  Secret world refuses to mature and serve all stakeholders for decision-support.
2.  Secret world refuses to take Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) seriously.
3.  Secret world refuses to recognize the eight tribes of intelligence as vital partners.
4.  Secret world is stove-piped and incapable of integrating already fragmented knowledge.
5.  Secret world is not held accountable for not knowing what can be known.
6.  Congress has abdicated its Article 1 responsibilities and is a two-party crime family.
7.  White House has sold out to Wall Street and been irresponsible about leadership.

Three things are required to excel at intelligence outreach:

Continue reading “Search: intelligence outreach”

Search: errors that resulted in great ideas

Cultural Intelligence, Searches

It can safely be said that most great ideas result from errors (including accidents), because the real break-throughs occur when the prevailing paradgim (“business as usual”) is so demonstrably unfit as to call into question its further utility OR something really sensational is discovered that is totally inconsistent with the prevailing paradigm.  PERSISTENCE rooted in INTEGRITY is the key.  That is a definition of sanity.  Persistence rooted in LACK OF integrity–continuing to do the wrong thing, even the wrong thing righter–is insanity.  Dissent is an “error” of the system.  Repressing dissent is a crime against humanity and refuses the commensurate discovery that dissent offers.  The lunacy continues.

Although there was nothing specific on this site directly focused on your tremendous inquiry, here are a few things we have found that address your question and also add to the value of this public intelligence blog.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Great quote:  “A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind.”

Key historical assertion:  “…Bacon devised the trial and error method of finding knowledge while cataloguing very carefully all the circumstances of these trials.”

Great Scientific Discoveries of the Twentieth Century

9 things invented or discovered by accident

Our greatest error has been to repress women and minorities.  Women have smaller egos and better intuition than men do, and are hard-wired for open-ended compassion instead of closed-mind “justice”, which makes all the difference in humanity.  Minorities bring diversity of experience, need, and low-cost solutions that the Industrial Era Empire refuses to consider because it treats humans as a commodity to be exploited, not as the co-owner and co-creater of all that we might enjoy.

Learning to See in the Dark: The Roots of Ethical Resistance — Carol Gilligan Speaks at MIT

Review: Mapping the Moral Domain: A Contribution of Women’s Thinking to Psychological Theory and Education

Review: All Rise–Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity

See Also:

Continue reading “Search: errors that resulted in great ideas”

Search: egyptian battle kit non standard

Cultural Intelligence, Searches
Click on Image to Enlarge

Sorry for the machine short-falls.  The photos you are looking for originally apppeared as Egypt: Public Combat Helmet Work-Arounds, here is one photo and a direct link.  Hail to the Human!

Egyptian Battle Kit (Non-Standard)

by rich on February 11, 2011
Phi Beta Iota: There are not enough weapons on the planet to put down the five billion poor and disenfranchises.  The revolution is ON!

Search: cost of corruption + Corruption RECAP

Corruption, Searches

The discussion of corruption–and the urgency of reasserting integrity–permeates this website.

Here are a general comment and a few links.

General comment: Corruption consists of a lack of integrity, which in turn is not just about dishonesty, but about a failure to achieve transparency, truth, trust, and accurate feedback loops.  The cost of corruption, calculated in terms of waste, is at least 50% and could be as high as 75%.  In the US, on Capitol Hill, the known kick-back for earmarks seen to allocation is 2-5%.  In fairness to the lobbyists, they are not offering the money, they are being shaken down by Senators and Representatives.  It is the lack of integrity in government that makes the lack of integrity in the private sector so pervasive.  What we do know is in the first two links.  The first documents health waste, the second the cost of peace versus war (one third).

2010 Reference: HEALTH–The Price of Excess (PWC)

Graphic: Medard Gabel’s Cost of Peace versus War

Other Links:

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