Worth a Look: Project Camelot

Worth A Look
Kerry Cassidy

Kerry Cassidy is the CEO/ Founder of Project Camelot.  Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist and well known radio talk show host of Project Camelot Whistleblower Radio and Project Camelot TV broadcaster with a weekly live show on Youtube. Her website Project Camelot  is a leader in the alternative media sector, with a Youtube channel that has over 51 million viewers worldwide and over 163,000 subscribers. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement.

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Worth a Look: A Benevolent Dictator by Marlin Thompson

Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Would you like to see… … the United States budget balanced in one year? … the $15 trillion debt gone in 10 years? … the Internal Revenue Service abolished? … a simple FairTax that would allow you to keep your entire paycheck with no deductions? … a healthcare system based on free enterprise, not government bureaucracy? … a free market based Social Security program that would let you control your own assets and leave an estate for your heirs? … empowerment and entrepreneurship instead of entitlement and dependency? … the United States respected again as the beacon of hope for the world? … half of all non-violent inmates released from prison? … an education system with competitio…?

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The Peace Dividend: The Most Controversial Proposal in the History of the World

IO Deeds of Peace, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look
Amazon Page

The Peace Dividend strategy is a direct attack on America’s systemic addiction to war by appealing to the self-interest of its citizens. The Peace Dividend concept literally INCENTIVIZES citizens to redirect their thinking and start WORKING FOR PEACE!

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The Emergency Transformation of Human Beings

Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Worth A Look
Lulu Page

We stand at critical fork in the road, a turning point in our human history. We can carry on our current course and face disaster, or we can embrace a higher evolutionary path of transformation and sanity which is desperately and urgently calling us towards it. This book is dedicated to that emergency evolution and development.

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Stephen E. Arnold: New Book, Dark Web Notebook, For Official Use Only

IO Impotency, IO Secrets, IO Tools, Worth A Look
Book Page

The book is $49 (gov/mil) and verified contractors (com, org). It can only be ordered via darkwebnotebook@yandex.com. The book is, at this time, not available to anyone outside the LE, intel, and security community. I will verify each purchase because the book equips a smart 15 year old to set up a Dark Web business and possibly engage in unlawful activities with less than one hour's work with a false identity and a means to purchase digital currency. Direct orders only. No Amazon because I cannot vet the purchasers. A person who works at Booz, Allen or similar company will have to pay $199. Work email required.

The Web info page is at www.xenky.com/darkwebnotebook.

Worth a Look: Three Scientists and Their Gods (The Digital Universe)

Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Wright focuses on the theories of digital physicist Edward Fredkin (the universe is a computer), sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson (the universe is united by genes and culture), and Kenneth Boulding (the universe is united through communication as a natural process of evolution). Each man has *faith* in his hypothesis without following it up with rigorous experiments. Therefore, this book reads as one man's evaluation of other men's ego trips. I give it four stars, tho, because it is an excellent review and synthesis of these theories, including their origins. The book touches upon the “coincidence” that each theory maps into the basic tenets of the world's religions.

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Amazon Kindle: The Syrian Missile Attack – Theatrics & House Cleaning?: McCain, Brennan, McMaster Behind False Flags? Funded by Israel & Saudi Arabia? (Trump Revolution Book 10)

Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look
Amazon Kindle Page

As this goes to press the US Department of State is lying to the public about what actually happened in Syria, and the US Department of Defense is lying to the public about the success of its faked attack on an abandoned air base.

In addition to the insider disclosure of the treason by Senator John McCain, former CIA Director John Brennan, and National Security Advisor Herbert McMaster, this updated edition includes links to Russian declarations not only the false flag that got this mess started, but additional false flags across Syria coming soon.

The Zionist end-game that the US neo-conservatives are support calls for the introduction of 150,000 US troops into Syria. If that happens, our President will lose his base – the Alt-Right is furious over the missile attack.

If WikiLeaks takes down the Republican Party with leaked documents including emails demonstrating pedophilia on the part of multiple Republican Senators and Representatives – and if Donald Trump does not act on the Electoral Reform Act – the Democrats could retake the House of Representatives in 2018, impeach him, and also – if 4 Republican Senators resign, commit suicide, or go to jail – convict him.

This expanded essay includes:

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