Worth a Look: Hanne Herland on New Left Tryanny – The Authoritarian Destruction of Our Way of Life

Cultural Intelligence, Worth A Look
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#92 in Church & State Religious Studies
#168 in Christian Church History (Books)
#92 in History of Religion & Politics

New Left Tyranny shows how the neo-Marxist New Left turned their back on historical Western principles and became a destructive authoritarian force. It abandoned the working class. By systematically attacking traditional values and inciting hateful Identity Politics, they created a dysfunctional society characterized by social anarchy, selfishness, and a lack of personal responsibility.”This is a remarkable book by a remarkable person. Excellent work.”Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, leading American political economistHanne Nabintu Herland is a Scandinavian bestselling author, historian of comparative religions and founder of The Herland Report


Mongoose: ‘Wingman’ Eric Holder orchestrated ‘Obamagate,’ says successor attorney general

Corruption, Government, Worth A Look

‘Wingman' Eric Holder orchestrated ‘Obamagate,' says successor attorney general

Matthew Whitaker, a former U.S. attorney who served as a Trump's acting attorney general between Jeff Sessions and William Barr, claimed in a new book that Holder “created an above-the-law culture” in the department that led to the bumbled investigations that the president has dubbed “Obamagate.”

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Berto Jongman: Jared Diamond on Upheaval — Article and Book

Worth A Look

Jared Diamond: There’s a 49 Percent Chance the World As We Know It Will End by 2050

As far as national crises are concerned, the first step is acknowledge — the country has to acknowledge that it’s in a crisis. If the country denies that it’s in a crisis, of course if you deny you’re in a crisis, you’re not going to solve the crisis, number one. In the United States today, lots of Americans don’t acknowledge that we’re in a crisis.

Book: Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis

Berto Jongman: Worth a Look – Willful Blindness by Margaret Heffernan

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Drawing on a wide array of people and places, Uncharted traces long-term projects that shrewdly evolved over generations to meet the unpredictable challenges of every new age. Heffernan also looks at radical exercises and experiments that redefined standard practices by embracing different perspectives and testing fresh approaches. Preparing to confront a variable future provides the antidote to passivity and prediction.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Recommends This Book: Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic

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These are the elements of Fauci's scientific Ponzi scheme:

  1. Nosological fraud. (That's the branch of medicine dealing with the classification of disease. It is ground zero for public health fraud.)
  2. Epidemiological fraud.
  3. Virological fraud.
  4. Treatment fraud. (Treatments that harm more than they heal or conceal more than they reveal.)
  5. Public health policy fraud.
  6. Concealment of negative scientific data and paradigm-challenging anomalies.
  7. Use of an elite network of “old boys” and pseudo-activist provocateurs to censor critics and whistleblowers.
  8. Chronic obscurantism.
  9. If necessary, vigilantism and witch-hunts against any intellectuals, scientists, or citizens who constitute any form of resistance to the Ponzi scheme.