Worth a Look: Backpacks Full of Hope–The UN Mission in Haiti

5 Star, Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Assistance, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Intelligence (Public), Peace Intelligence, United Nations & NGOs, Worth A Look
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Backpacks Full of Hope: The UN Mission in Haiti describes the experience of a Chilean general as Deputy Force Commander of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) during the particularly turbulent year September 2005 to September 2006. It details the realities of commanding more than 7,000 men from eleven countries while working to fulfill the mandate of the United Nations in Haiti—to ensure a secure and stable environment, to support the transitional government in a democratic political process, and to promote and protect the human rights of the Haitian people.

Despite the enormous challenges of a complex scenario that included local violence and extreme poverty, the UN command succeeded in its mission, stabilizing the local situation and paving the way for Haiti to hold a presidential election.

Originally published as Mision en Haiti, con la mochila cargada de esperanzas, this work provides a new audience with insight on the peace operation and sheds light on the long-term endeavour of civilians, military, and local and international agencies to support Haiti’s path to prosperity.

Co-published with the Centre for International Governance Innovation.

See Free by the Same Author:

Reference (2): United Nations Intelligence in Haiti

Worth a Look: Flawed Diplomacy–UN and the War on Terrorism

United Nations & NGOs, Worth A Look
Berto Jongman Recommends....

Product Description

There have been numerous attempts to engage the United Nations in a meaningful campaign against state-supported and other terrorist activities. But the inherently political nature of terrorism has made it exceedingly difficult to gain global consensus on who even qualifies as a terrorist, much less agreement on counterterrorism measures to pursue.

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The rise of al Qaeda, the events of 9/11, the Madrid train bombing, and the London mass transit bombings provided the international community and United Nations with new impetus to respond to terrorism. Although a series of international conventions were adopted and a short-lived independent monitoring group was established, the strategy that UN secretary general Kofi Annan proposed to the General Assembly in May 2006 contains many proposed measures and objectives that remain unfulfilled, thus rendering the UN virtually impotent against terrorism.

As one of five Security Council–appointed international monitors on the measures being taken against al Qaeda and the Taliban, Comras had the rare opportunity to observe the UN’s counterterrorism activities. He delves into the UN’s role in dealing with terrorism, explores the international political realities and institutional problems that make it difficult for the UN to successfully implement and monitor counterterrorism measures, and describes both the UN’s successes and failures, ultimately laying out a case for creating a stronger, more effective UN response. Flawed Diplomacy is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the war on terrorism and in gaining knowledge about the UN’s inner workings.

About the Author

Victor D. Comras is a leading expert on international sanctions and the global effort to combat terrorism and money laundering. A seasoned U.S. career diplomat, Comras frequently testifies before Congress on these issues and is a regular commentator on radio and television. His articles have appeared in numerous online journals and in the Washington Post, the Financial Times, and other publications. He is also a contributor to Terrorism Financing and State Responses: A Comparative Perspective (2007). He resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Worth a Look: Jihadis’ Path to Self-Destruction

Worth A Look
Berto Jongman Recommends...


‘ – brings to the table a completely diff erent set of analytical tools and source materials which will supplement existing theories and thus greatly enrich our understanding of jihadism.' – Dr Thomas Hegghammer, Harvard University –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


The Jihadis' Path to Self-Destruction brings a completely different set of analytical tools and source materials to supplement existing theories, greatly enriching our understanding of jihadism.” — Thomas Hegghammer, Harvard University

Worth a Look: Webinars on Internet Use

Worth A Look

Webinar Series & Certificate Programs

These programs include a series of six 90-minute webinars.  Those who test successfully within 15 days after the sixth webinar will be awarded a Certificate of Completion suitable for framing.  The test consists of 100 true or false questions derived from the six webinars.

Enrollees whose schedule does not provide for live participation may purchase the complete package of six videos and six slide sets for $275.  Those who purchase the videos and test successfully also will be awarded a certificate.

The cost of attending the six webinar series is $275.  We offer a $30 per person discount for groups of three or more participants in a single registration.  Attendees receive a PDF file containing the webinar slides, with web links embedded in slides, emailed to them after the webinars.

The following webinars make up the Advanced Internet Research series:

  • Advanced Internet Search
  • Free Public Records via Internet
  • International Information Gathering via Internet
  • Internet Information Management
  • Internet Privacy & Personal Data Removal
  • Social Networking for Professionals

The following webinars make up the Internet For Investigators series:

  • Advanced Internet Search
  • Free Public Records via Internet
  • Internet Information Management
  • Internet Privacy & Personal Data Removal
  • Link Analysis & Personal Data Removal
  • Social Networking for Professionals

Please see below for descriptions, dates and times of the webinars.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Webinars on Internet Use”

Worth a Look: Gold Fraud, Gold Paper

Worth A Look
Phi Beta Iota: A trusted gold source sent this along, with the observation that this has been brewing for a while.
Anonymous said…
All these articles are trying to convince us that gold is a good investment for the purposes of curbing inflation. In theoretically it is. But you guys also have to take into consideration several other factors, for some reason rarely discussed. First. We still remember the act of 1933, don't we? After you buy all the gold in the world, nobody can stop the government to do it again. Moreover, they now have Northcom in place, don't they. Second. After you buy the gold and the scandal will start growing in speed and coverage on the news, it'll drive the prices of gold up. But guess what? The bastards will wait until the fish bites the bait and even swallows it and then they'll roll the second scandal with fake gold. I do not think that any of you really believes that the Rothschilds became altruistic and gave up their position in Gold Fixing, after controlling it for generations, just like that. No, the scandal is brewing and it'll expose itself when the time is right. When they expose fake gold scandal, all the investment funds and investment groups that hold paper gold will start dumping it. It will take the price of gold to the very bottom. This is when most of you, who spent all your life saving a week before buying gold, will panic and dump it as well. That will be the ultimate prize for the banksters who understand human herd psychology very well. And if this does not trash you, the fiat to follow will outlaw all transactions in gold as “ill gotten” and related to drug trade. So, in order to feed yourself during the food crisis (and don't think for a second that this is a pure coincidence that Monsanto now controls the entire food chain) you'll be forced to either dump your gold for pennies on a dollar (most likely the government will be the only agent to buy it) or dig it into the ground and wait until all this mayhem passes buy. Just looking at Russian revolution, I can tell that chaos may take a long time to settle. What is my advise. Unfortunately, I have none, because people who control the issuance of money control everything and it'll be really difficult to outsmart them. Just keep this scenario in mind while preparing yourselves for a rough ride.

Worth a Look: Driven to Death–Psychological Aspects of Suicide Terrorism

09 Terrorism, Worth A Look
Berto Jongman Recommends...

What drives a person to kill himself for killing others, in the name
of a political or religious cause? This book is the first to report a
series of studies in which failed suicide bombers and organizers of
suicide attacks were subjected to systematic clinical psychological
interviews and tests and were compared to non-suicide terrorists. This direct psychological examination enabled a first-hand assessment of the personality characteristics and motivation of suicide bombers.

Amazon Page

Additional interviews conducted by seasoned area specialists provided a comprehensive picture of the ways by which the suicide bombers were recruited, prepared and dispatched to their planned death, as well as how they felt and behaved along this road. This information was supplemented by data derived from interviews with the families of suicide bombers who died carrying out their attacks.

The book describes the first systematic empirical studies of the personality characteristics and motivation of suicide bombers and organizers of suicide attacks.  Arrested suicide bombers own accounts of the process of making suicide attacks, as well as their decisions and feelings along this process.  On the basis of these findings the book provides a unique comprehensive analysis of suicide attacks, showing how personality characteristics interact with group pressure and public atmosphere.  In analyzing suicide attacks around the world, the book relies on the most comprehensive database.

See Also:

Review: Driven to Death: Psychological and Social Aspects of Suicide Terrorism (includes links to other books that provide essential context)