Worth a Look: Peace Book One Now Online in Chapter Form

Communities of Practice, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look
PKI Book I By the Chapter
PKI Book I By the Chapter

With apologies for taking so long to do this, we have finally gotten around to loading the first Peacekeeping Intelligence book, which has always been free as a single PDF, in chapter form.

The short URL (or click on the cover) is http://www.tinyurl.com/OSSPKIONE

The primary page for this book with Amazon and PDF links is here.

The next book can now pre-ordered on Amazon, see the page for the new book, INTELLIGENCE for PEACE: Multinational Multifunctional Information-Sharing and Sense-Making, here.

Worth A Look: AP Slideshow World Beauty

Worth A Look

Spirt Of Progress Moon

The full moon rises behind The 1930 art deco sculpture ‘Spirit of Progress' on the top of the former Montgomery Wards office building in Chicago, Friday, Sept. 4, 2009.   (AP Photo/Paul Beaty)

Tip of the Hat to Associated Press for this offering, click on the first slide above to see the other 46 slides.

Worth a Look: Medard Gabel, EarthGame and More

Academia, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Threats, Topics (All Other), True Cost, Worth A Look
Professor Medard Gabel
Professor Medard Gabel

Medard Gabel was for many years #2 to Buckminister Fuller, and a co-creator of the analog World Game.  As a founding director of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 Public Charity, he created–and retains ownership of–the EarthGame.

Earth Tools = Serious Structured Games
Earth Tools = Serious Structured Games

Below are four specific modules that can be used NOW to excite both students and executives about the importance of sustainable design, strategic analysis, and the unity of knowledge–what E. O. Wilson calls Consilience.

Advise the President
of the United States in the
Presidential Advisor Game
learn more …

Save the World
from climate disaster in the
Climate Change Game

learn more …

Green Your Campus
in the
Campus GreenGame

learn more …

Bring Peace to the World
in the
World PeaceGame

learn more …

Other BigPictureSmallWorld programs and simulations include the LeadershipGame, The FutureGame and our week-long summer program at the United Nations and Chestnut Hill College—the Design Science Lab.

Phi Beta Iota strongly recommends anything and everything that Medard Gabel has created and offers.Give him a call to see how one of his programs will fit into your program today at 610.566.0156!

NOTE:  We *will* create the World Brain and the EarthGame, it is only a matter of when, not if.  Get started now by engaging Medard Gabel to show you how you can make sense, make strategy, and advance the common good while achieving your own worthy goals.

Worth a Look: Politics1 and On the Issues

Worth A Look

As America wakes up to the reality that the two-party tyranny is history and that we do not have to tolerate this corrupt abuse of political and economic and military power, two web sites in particular surface for consideration.

Politics1 Party Roster
Politics1 Party Roster

Click on the logo to reach their short and simple but well-leavened with links directory of the main American political parties today.  There are about 65 parties actually registered, this directory covers 46 of them, those that have actually had candidates, and we find the directory to be most helpful as a place for any citizen to start thinking about alternatives to the two parties that have so betrayed the public trust.

On the Issues (click on the logo) is a real powerhouse of a web site, and especially

On the Issues
On the Issues

appreciated for the manner in which it displays both the substance of each candidate's position on any issue, and where on the political “map” they fall.

Worth a Look: Secrecy as Fraud (2002)

Media Reports, Methods & Process, Reform, Worth A Look

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

Secrecy: The Nation's Favored Fraud

Pierre Tristam

Published on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 by the Daytona Beach News-Journal (Florida)

If there is any doubt at all that the terrorists have won – that they have managed with a single day's freakish hits to revamp the most open society on earth into an emerging police state where suspicion and secrecy are the twin watch-towers of government and cowering and conforming the prevailing instincts of an allegedly free press or an even more alleged political opposition – then last week's creation of the Department of Homeland Security should put all such doubts to rest.

. . . . . . .

Secrecy is national security's favored fraud. With rare exceptions, it harms the public interest more than it protects it. Keeping America's atom bomb secret may have been a good idea, but even that failed. Keeping the Pentagon Papers secret, the government's own most damning evidence that the Vietnam War was a known failure even in the early 1960s, needlessly prolonged a needless war at the cost of thousands of American lives (and perhaps a million Vietnamese). Designed around the same principle of prescribing what Americans should and should not know, the new department will incubate just such secrets, covering up what should be known at the risk of prolonging what shouldn't be happening. Substitute Main Street for rice paddies and what's ahead is less reassuring because of the department's existence.

Phi Beta Iota: We testified to the Moynihan Commission, and all of our life's work in the world of secrecy confirms the views of Rodney McDaniel, thenExecutive Secretary of the National Security Council: 90% (we say 80%) of secrecy is bureaucratic turf control (and avoidance of accountability), only 10% (we say 20%) is legitimate portection of sensitive information.